How Anime Changed My Life (Guest Post)

We all had that one day: The day we watched our first anime as an otaku. The day we truly realized, that we are watching anime and not just a cartoon. The day we fell in love with anime and never let go since then.

Lots of popular anime characters

For me, that day wasn’t as long ago as for many other people. I’ve only been an otaku for 3 years – since February 2012 if I remember well enough. But even though I haven’t been one that long yet, I noticed a huge difference in my life – my friends, my free time, my attitude; sometimes I feel like a whole different person!

We all know, that many people think ‘anime is just cartoon’ or ‘you watch anime? So you watch hentai?’. I hate prejudice, I hate it, that people already judge and categorize things without even giving it a try. I didn’t believe in those statements, I just tried it out. And I must say, I am so glad that I didn’t listen to all of these haters – they don’t know what they’re missing!

You probably know that feeling you get, when you’ve watched a super good movie; It’s that feeling, that makes you think ‘I wanna do something cool like them in the movie!’. You feel like doing something, achieving something in life. I get this feeling quite often when I watch anime.

Anime Arm Wrestle Naruto Luffy Goku IchigoThere are so many characters, who never gave up, who always fought till the end. And even though they really are just fictional characters, they encouraged me and made me believe in something better. It’s not only the characters from the big animes, like One Piece, Naruto and Fairy Tail – even the others motivated me, no matter what genre it was.

I’ll never forget how Kirito fought for the love of his life and saved her, or when Yuuta confessed his love to Rikka in the most romantic way. I’ll never forget the way Hikari loved Manaka and never gave up on her. Or the way Jintan found peace in losing his best friend.

Because of all of these characters, I believe in something bigger. Because of them I know, that there is something and somebody waiting for all of us – we just need to always give 100% and never ever give up on making our dreams come true!

And of course I can’t forget, that because of my love towards anime I met so many new people and friends who share my opinion. I became a much happier person and more focused on the important things in life.

Life is too short to just ‘live’ – we need to LIVE as long as we can! That’s what anime taught me 🙂

Thanks again to Sunite for giving me this opportunity to write a guest post on your amazing blog! ^-^

Daze ya later guys! 😀

Sunite here, thank you for reading daziigirl’s guest post, be sure to go and check her UNOTAKU blog, she’s started out a few months ago and has some fantastic reviews and interesting posts on there. Once again thank you Daziigirl for writing this fantastic piece.

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