Yhwach, Jugram and Uryu in King’s Palace! Renji vs Bazz-B – Bleach 587

Bleach 587 shows the notorious Yhwach, Jugram and Uryu arriving at King’s Spirit Palace to which most of the floating areas are becoming unsteady as they begin to overthrow the place. While at the same time Urahara shows up to greet Ichigo as well as to tell him that he’ll have to wait a while if he wants to go back to the King’s Palace. Renji and Bazz-B seem to be the next match we’ll face, both really powerful and crazy. 

 Bleach 587 begins as Ichigo shouts as Uryu begins to climb up to go towards the King’s Palace, on top of which he doesn’t seem to be listening. He quickly gets transported upwards. There is a shock of energy coming from that way to which Orihime covers both Ichigo and Chad with her armor.

Orihime mentions that they got blown away a little, on top of which Ishida seems to have gained strength. At the same time, Ichigo is just thinking about what he could do. However Chad just lifts him up and throws him at a building nearby, he reminds Ichigo of what he’s doing.

Chad mentions that they’re just as shocked as him, however nothing can be done just by worrying about it. Chad mentions that this is Ishida they’re talking about, he must have some kind of plan or something, if he does then we could work it out with him. They mention that he’s bullheaded that there is no point trying to persuade him. So just let him explain his reasoning they mention.

Ichigo mention that he’ll smack him upside his head and drag him back here, and even if it doesn’t work, he’ll just do the same thing and beat him up. Urahara shows up to which it seems that he knows that Ichigo already wants to go to the Spirit King’s Palace.

Renji and Rukia are together to which they notice that they’re split up from the others, to which they also noticed that it was Ishida with Yhwach. Bazz B shows up to which he mentions that he also hates him, to which he’s willing to join him in fighting and killing Uryu.

Renji throws a large rock at Bazz B, to which Renji calls him a rooster for which he mentions that they aren’t happy that Ishida joined them, however they’re all capable of whooping his ass. Bazz B then gets pissed off for being called a rooster. He mentions that it’s a majestic mohawk!

Renji angers him even more for telling him that he gets up early to lay eggs, he then points four of his fingers at Renji and Rukia to which he mentions that he thought that he had pretty spiffy eyebrows, to which Renji is shocked and happy at the same time. Renji calls Bazz B cool, to which Bazz B tells him that it’s too late.

Bazz B charges his Burner Finger, using four of his fingers! To which he quickly and swiftly attacks! At the palace they arrive, everything seems normal when everything goes to hell as all the surrounding areas begin to shake and everything as Yhwach, Jugram and Ishida arrive and over run everything in the palace. Bleach 587 ends here.

An amazing chapter, lots of exciting stuff happened, and it seems that it’s getting closer and closer to when the Spirit King will show up himself. However I’m sure the Royal Guard will show up soon and fight. Can’t wait for next week’s Bleach 588 when this continues on!

There are 261 comments

    1. Sunite

      What if none of them show up, or if they do, they all will get wiped out by Yhwach or something. I don’t see the Royal Guards being as powerful as they’re made out to be.


  1. Satouf

    Wicked chapter, nice to see the fun side of it again with Chad…
    I can’t see ywach doing much is kings palace, be funny if azien sliped in as well. The Zero squad know he is coming and I think it was there plan as well


  2. Satouf

    I don’t see how he can beat them, but the whole place is crumbling. He is strong but I guess we will learn the truth about the Soul King. Cos we know nothing at all. Maybe they have a history


    1. nick dunn

      Most likely they do if he knows how to get in there as well as the Royal Guard. Oetsu knew recognized him from 1000 years ago while in Ichigo’s Soul. And Shutara said they are more evil than Aizen can ever be. You know, Bazz-B is so full of himself. Like Candice. When her hair gets covered in dust she flips shit. And now when Bazz-Bs Mohawk gets dissed, he gets pissy. I don’t believe Rukia is really fighting with Renji again Bazz-B. I see her just staying near him. Another Sternritter will come and take her on. Sense Bazz-B is clearly pissed at Renji. You know Burner Finger 4 forms a Blade, that Blade looks kinda like Halibel’s Sealed Zanpakuto?


    2. Sunite

      Everything else except the 5 circular bits and palace is gone. Soul King is awake, it’s just a wait till he shows up. However I guess that we’ll see more of other fights and such and get back to Ichigo and Yhwach’s stories.


  3. Sternritter C

    Jugram just same level with Kyoraku and i believe that Ukitake can fight him too…what the hell he can do when he completely can not do anything about kido (barriers) that Nanao does..forget to mention that Power of 5 captains of RG > Power of 13 Captains of Gotei 13 (this included Yamamoto and Unohana…means all 5 of them powerful as Yamamoto when there is no Quincy besides Yhwach itself can fight Yamamoto..then Ishida??? really???


    1. Jushiro Ukitake

      unless Yhwach has some trick like he steal Yamamoto’s Bankai so Yamamoto can not do anything…maybe Yhwach will using Yamamoto’s Bankai to fight them


  4. Satouf

    Buzz B is mad and is a fashion freak as well. Lol.
    His fingers pack a lot of power and ur right about the sword it does look like it, I guess he might be able to use his imagination as well like Gremey. But I think Buzz B might come around n side with the Shinigami


  5. nick dunn

    Dude yes I completely agree! I also consider each member of the Royal Guard as strong as Yamamoto , Retsu , and future Bankai achieved Zaraki. I also consider Jugram and Uryu Senior Captain level like Shunsui and Ichigo. We have seen Senior Captain level fighting Royal Guard level. Shunsui and Joshiro had to team up to even injure Yamamoto. And Zaraki had to fight, die, and be healed for 1000 times for 3 days to even Injure and eventually defeat Retsu. Hell even Air didn’t want to fight Retsu, and he didn’t fight Yamamoto directly either. But he is stronger than a Senior Captain level. Ichigo and Uryu are probably at that level too. But still weaker than Royal Guard in my opinion. I don’t believe Jugram or Uryu can even injure one Royal Guard member. They probably have to team up. That’s why I believe Yhwach will have Quincy that are as strong as himself facing the Royal Guard while he fights the Soul King. Because if Yamamoto can have Shinigami that are just as strong as himself. ( Zaraki, Retsu, Royal Guard. ..) than I believe Yhwach will have Quincy in his Empire that rival his strength. But I doubt any of them are Sternritter. But they could be. But we haven’t seem like three Sternritter left. So it’s still possible. Sense Yamamoto, Retsu, and Zaraki are the only Captains that rival the Royal Guard in strength.


  6. Meninas

    Dude yes I completely agree! I also consider each member of the Royal Guard as strong as Yamamoto , Retsu , and future Bankai achieved Zaraki. I also consider Jugram and Uryu Senior Captain level like Shunsui and Ichigo. We have seen Senior Captain level fighting Royal Guard level. Shunsui and Joshiro had to team up to even injure Yamamoto. And Zaraki had to fight, die, and be healed for 1000 times for 3 days to even Injure and eventually defeat Retsu. Hell even Air didn’t want to fight Retsu, and he didn’t fight Yamamoto directly either. But he is stronger than a Senior Captain level. Ichigo and Uryu are probably at that level too. But still weaker than Royal Guard in my opinion. I don’t believe Jugram or Uryu can even injure one Royal Guard member. They probably have to team up. That’s why I believe Yhwach will have Quincy that are as strong as himself facing the Royal Guard while he fights the Soul King. Because if Yamamoto can have Shinigami that are just as strong as himself. ( Zaraki, Retsu, Royal Guard. ..) than I believe Yhwach will have Quincy in his Empire that rival his strength. But I doubt any of them are Sternritter. But they could be. But we haven’t seem like three Sternritter left. So it’s still possible. Sense Yamamoto, Retsu, and Zaraki are the only Captains that rival the Royal Guard in strength.


  7. Meninas

    If they are indeed strong enough to fight Yhwach, Soul King is not participating in this contest, each of RG equal to the holy town of 10,000 souls Karakura Oken time Aizen trying to create as much power as it needs it, do you think Aizen will join because it really does want to get very into the Royal Palace


    1. nick dunn

      He was trying to do that yes. But currently he is still trapped In that Kido black bands. Sense The Mukin is under the 1st Division Building, the Silver Palace of Yhwach is right were Aizen is currently. So who knows when he will escape.


  8. Satouf

    Well Urahara is the man to unbind Azien he needs his help to get Itchigo to the Soul place, the royal guard r not push overs at all and the soul palace is to their advantage but it could be for Ywach as well tho. I guess for him to become king this is his final hurdle


    1. nick dunn

      Who knows what he’s up too. Some say he’s gonna become the new king. But I believe he’s just trying to kill everyone.


  9. Satouf

    Well he was defeated a 1000 years ago so he can’t be all that can he?!!
    The only thing that am cornered about is the lack of info about the Soul King himself. Bleach is all about him in the end.


    1. nick dunn

      Lots of people speculate what happened during the first 1000 year Blood War. They say Yamamoto defeated Yhwach and he lost his powers in the process. Some say like myself that because of Yhwach’s immense power of the Schrift abilities he originally has was too much for Yamamoto to defeat. But some how Yhwach lost his abilities as well as his Intelligence and Heart. So the surviving Quincy that were the original followers of Yhwach fled to the Soul Society and created the Schatten Bereich. These Quincy I believe will take on the Royal Guard.


  10. AJ

    Well this chapter was pretty quick and simple..ichigo is emotional I get it but he needs to get back up and get with the plan…nice seeing orihime and chad along with urahara but renji and rukia vs bazz should be interesting well for me since two of my favorite characters are fighting but I still think Nana or someone will come.. Basically I see the shinigami losing even though it’s split up and the arrancars and co coming to help..but where’s my candy and girls -.- I wonder if they are just sitting down after that shockwave lol or fighting byakuya idk why but I don’t see them fighting the three vc’s but I see Pepe trolling them but don’t know about old man or maybe its old man vs byakuya and the girls just sitting down lol….


    1. nick dunn

      I see one of Bambietta’s crew coming and fighting Rukia. I don’t believe or think Renji needs help against Bazz-B. I see Liltotto talking on both Ikkaku and Yumichika. Shuuhei could be fighting Pepe. Byakuya could be fighting Mr. Shirt and tie or NaNaNa. I see Mr. Shirt and tie leaving with Giselle to go fight Ichigo, Orihime, and Chad. I see Candice fighting some one else like Yachiru or Rangiku. I see Meninas coming to fight Rukia. Sense it’s only Chad and Orihime coming from Hueco Mundo, I doubt the Arrancar will come. They need to stay and take back their own dimension which is still under the control of the Jagdarmee.


      1. AJ

        Lol I like that but I have a feeling the girls will fight byakuya since I think kubo will allow Nana to fight renji and bazz vs rukia so I see old man leaving along with gg but Pepe staying around to destroy hisagi and co …but idk about most of these match ups but bazz will kill renji alone…he needs help but I see rukia and renji losing and but i can see gg and old man or Mr. Shirt and tie<— I like that name going to fight ichigo and co like you stated(you have a good mind!)..but I feel like arrancars are already around the corner because urahara is already there!!!:) but they need some strong opponents Quincy wise cause their not going to back down


        1. nick dunn

          The match ups can be so random. That shock wave just blew everyone away. And yes the Arrancar have Quincy to battle. The Executive Hunting Captains of the Jagdarmee. Quilge Opie was the Captain of the 1st Jagdarmee and letter J. So if no other Sternritter are introduced, it’s safe to say that C, L, and N are Executive Hunting Captains of the Jagdarmee. Thanks ya I call him that. Hopefully soon they will reveal his name and Letter. I bet his is W.


  11. Kelvis Townsend

    I SERIOUSLY think that yhwach & soul king are in fact brothers because they are both kings/gods of two polar opposite species and the fact that the soul king awakened the same time yhwach did


    1. AJ

      I agree 100% its something that is connecting these two…like I had a huge feeling about it since ywach knew a little too much about the kings key..I wonder what happened between the two maybe hate/love relationship or something… But I expect ywach to exchange some words with him after stomping the rg!!!


        1. AJ

          True..very true I wonder if aizen is feeling a little jelly or it would be some shit if kubo gave us a twist that allowed aizen to use his sensory deception zan on ywach and co in which he rode their coat tales up there lmao..what do you think? Like wtf is aizen and his trolls of prison >.<


          1. nick dunn

            He is planning something. It’s so obvious. But who knows. He says he’s Inmortal. But I doubt that will last once he gets his Zanpakuto back.


            1. AJ

              Lol he’s such a troll..I wonder if he will still be evil or momentarily good that goes evil..I can’t really read his character well sometimes he makes me feel like he’s trying to do the right thing and sometimes he’s just selfish and evil


              1. nick dunn

                He considers himself right. Though his view of the Soul King is in question. And not just Aizen, many shady things about Kisuke as well. Even Ginjou warned Ichigo that he has lots of secrets.


  12. Kelvis Townsend

    And i wonder what that quincy Askin Nakk Le Varr is up to cuz something about him seems off that he is very intelligent and aware of every change that occurs, even before haschwalth knows


    1. nick dunn

      Yup. Apparently his Character design from Aizen gave him some interesting behaviors. He’s probably going to try and stop Kisuke, Ichigo, Orihime, and Chad from going to the Soul Palace. Followed by Giselle and maybe someone else? 😉


      1. AJ

        I’m just wondering what will happen in the near future as of next week lol…as you said it’s sooo damn random but someone will interrupt urahara and co..it might just be all of the sternritters except bazz b who would probably be still fighting renji but who knows..seriously I’m so excited to see who will be the first to fight but question do the RG have their own squad of gotei..or royal-13 lol!!!!


        1. nick dunn

          It does seem that some of the Royal Guard have Bodyguards. Oetsu has the Sword Five and Tenjiro has the buff twins. I’m so confused on what’s gonna happen up there.


          1. AJ

            Hell yes I get the feeling that their body guards or whatever are stronger than they appear I think the buff guys are the physically strong brutes like meninas/chad and the girls are probably the strongest and actual girl group like tres bestias..the femritters aren’t really a special group since everyone of them is powerful enough to fight individually!!!..but the rg maybe have some tricks up their sleeves and did we even get a glimpse off shutaras little city? or whatever because hikifune displayed more “welcome to my homeage”


            1. nick dunn

              Well the Sword Five are Zanpakuto according to Oetsu. And Zanpakuto spirits can fight which was shown in the Zanpakuto Rebellion arc. I believe Kirio has Bodyguards to help her cook, Shutara for her special sowing. And Ichibuei for his name giving ability.


              1. AJ

                Good point but am I the only one that thinks that plushie don is hikifunes zanpaktou..like maybe she touches his stomach or sticks her hand down his throat and pulls put this big ass sword..cause that spoon doesn’t seem like a Zan to me just a giant spoon for special cooking events like feeding ichigo!


                1. nick dunn

                  Well Kirio Holds a giant Spoon, while Oetsu holds a long ass hammer. And Tenjiro has his hot springs. Shutara got her creepy has artificial arms because she’s so delegate that she doesn’t need to touch anything. Bet when she uses her Zanpakuto her artificial arms will be welding it for her.


            1. nick dunn

              Oh sorry A j! It’s possible! I mean he is a mod soul. Kiro created him and many others. So she will have to reveal If kon is a Zanpakuto or no 😉


    1. nick dunn

      It’s something I strongly believe Jugram Haschwalth :). And it’s possible. Though the strongest Arrancar were Stark, Barragon, Halibel, Ulquiorra, Neliel, Wonderwhiess,and Yammy. But they are only Senior Captain level. But hey it can happen 🙂


      1. AJ

        When I start to think of strong quincies I spot askin teleporting himself along with the mysterious three but it might happen later since my theory of the five femritters becoming L later on in this war..which would throw a lot of people off lol but seriously FIVE alterations<—that's cray!!!


        1. nick dunn

          Hey its possible. Some people thought Askin was gonna go with them. But he didn’t. And I bet the last Quincy to be revealed will be a very powerful female Quincy.


  13. AJ

    OK so I’m starting to believe that harribel has been turnt..like we haven’t seen her in what 300+ chapters and since kubo can show bankai off panel its without a doubt he can do other things..I feel like some sort of bizarre “harribel we came to rescue’ scenario will happen with her turning around sitting in ywach throne chair with new clothing and a death stare..I think her girls will kill her thus completing her sacrifice theme!!!


    1. nick dunn

      Okay Aj that’s a possibility! I mean she’s the most Powerful Arrancar now. It’s fair to say that’s the reason Yhwach imprisoned her in the first place. Arrancar like Luders and Asquiro were just foot soldiers before. But after submitting to the Jagdarmee and gaining Quincy abilities like a Spirit Weapon and the Shadow Technique for Teleportaion. They have become as strong as Espada. Sense Asquiro almost stole Ichigo’s Bankai. So just imagine if Halibel gains Quincy abilities, man she’ll be so powerful that’s crazy. And she’s been in prison for I believe 5 days. The first invasion was 4 days earlier than this 2 invasion. And so far it’s been a day in this current invasion. And the other Arrancar we haven’t seen were probably captured by the Jagdarmee. Like Tesla, Gantenbian, and Rudbornn. If they have Quincy abilities now they are also gonna be hard to beat.


      1. AJ

        Like everything is happening really fast so I see a lot of old faces turning into quincy…kubo have already said something about quincicars so I believe the arrancars are going to come as back up and almost win until the sides are even out by arrivals of quincicar harribel and army…I wonder if cirruci really survived I would be happy if she was a quincicar that hates ishida still and plus she has some knowledge of them has she fought one before ishida in the past? And look back 300+ chaps ago where’s riruka?


        1. nick dunn

          Cirucci was killed by Rudbornn because her powers were gone by her soul chain being shot by Uryu. But if she did survive she can help the Arrancar Fight the Jagdarmee sense she actually fought a Quincy. And yes Kubo did say that they will have Quincy Hollow hybrids. But like i said, Arrancar or Quinccar like you said Aj ;), are that hybrid race. I believe they completely discard their Zanpakuto and gain not just a Spirit Weapon, but Vollständig as well. But they seem like just soldiers. The Quincy have complete authority over them. Like I bet if Quilge Opie captured the Tres Beasties, he would give them Quincy abilities and they would be forced to fight in his 1st Jagdarmee Division.


  14. nick dunn

    Oh Aj I like your thinking! Eventually when. They go to Hueco Mundo, they will show the other Quinccar. I bet they have names for they’re new race. And Riruka is actually back at Urahara’s shop. Though She Left. I believe she will be back with the other Fullbringers. If Quincy can gain back their lost abilities, I believe Fullbringer can gain theirs back as well. Like Jackie lost hers.


    1. AJ

      Oh so cirucci is dead dead…well that’s wishful thinking and yeah they would just be soldiers but stronger than the ghost busters? What do they call their foot soldiers? But I had thought riruka got kidnapped lol but that’s good she’s back with the fb or urahara and co I just want to see what arrancars are with them and did you see the databooks about arrancar 102 the little kids or whatever..kubs need to show them already I can’t take it!!!!


      1. nick dunn

        The Arrancar that are currently resisting the Jagdarmee are Neliel, Grimmjow, Peche, Dondochaka, Mila Rose, Apache, Sung Sun, Loly, and Melody. The Arrancar that survived the winter that are currently not their are Szyal Apporro, Gantenbian, Tesla, and Rudbornn. The Arrancar with the little kids? Like Ginta and Urauu?


        1. AJ

          The arrancar children lol I think its like 10 of them in a group not red head and super mushroom girl..but I think I seen them some where for old character designs but basically the jagdarmee are like super fraccions and the sterns are just captains I get it..I want to see how quincicars are really made ywach/tier offspring <.<


          1. nick dunn

            I wouldn’t say the Jagdarmee are like the Vice Captains for the Sternritter. Bu the Sternritter do have higher authority than the Executive Hunting Captains. Lots of people said Quilge Opie was not as strong as a Sternritter. But that’s so not true. That guy was stronger than most and he was hard to kill. His ability The Jail was very powerful.


            1. AJ

              Yea I know that much but the people who think Opie want as powerful are dumb! After all he’s a sternritter and besides he fought ichigo..out of everyone there just like when people were yelling fodder at the girls when their still standing!!


              1. nick dunn

                Dude yes! Some keep Saying Bambietta’s crew is weak. But they are most certainly not weak. And actually Quilge Opie is not a Sternritter. He is letter J for The Jail. He is the Executive Hunting Captain of the 1st Jagdarmee. It’s okay lots of people think he is a Stenritter. But if he was he would have been in the first invasion with the other Sternritter, not in Hueco Mundo.


                1. AJ

                  Lol I swear you just told me 5 times and I keep forgetting my bad but people are so full of shit all they want is to add more crazy things to their list of strongest people when in reality NO one nows who’s stronger than who in this except kubo himself but I just let them talk…glad you’re one of the few that actually appreciates the WORK he delievers for us period!!!


                2. nick dunn

                  Well thank you AJ I an very honored. :). I happen to like speaking with you and Sunite and everyone else in this awesome blog he has created. I usually go by what I see in a character and what battles they have been through. And that’s true only Kubo knows how’s stronger. When he actually makes his character truly state who’s stronger. Like Yamamoto stating that he is much stronger than Aizen because no Shinigami in 1000 years have been born is stronger than him. Than Retsu being the 1st Kenpachi and she was stronger than everyone but what Zaraki will become. The Ranking of the Espada from 0 to 9. I guess Neliel isn’t as strong as Halibel, but I consider her as strong as Ulquiorra at least. The Sternritter are all completely random in strength. Same as the Gotei 13 and Visord.


                3. AJ

                  So I wonder what’s going to happen next week..are we going to focus on the rg or rukia+renji vs baz<—I hope its not this I want to see someone die in the rg except hikifune she seemed like the sweetest out of all of them a very kind woman oh and oetsu!!!


      1. nick dunn

        The Sternritter call the foot soldiers Soldat. German for Soldier. They have the gas mask and what looks like Spears or swords they use to fight. The soldiers of the Jagdarmee use long Spears that can pierce and Arrancar’s Hierro very easily. They also use unnamed Reishi Bows.


  15. nick dunn

    Now Aj, for next week anything can happen. Do many battles are going on that Kubo can just jump from Bazz-B vs Renji, and someone else.


    1. AJ

      -.- I know I know..that drives me nuts lol probably be renji vs bazz and than a cliffhanger of juha fighting the rg which is another tease for us but I wish kubo could actually give us 22 pages instead of 17 and than 4 or whatever color works which would be 26 actual pages 😀


        1. AJ

          I like them as well I just wish we got a little more pages rather than 17..it kind of bothers me on how they go by really fast but I know kubo gets stressed out or tired so I respect him for his work hell he could just quit on everyone and call it a day but he’s doing his best with this arc….


          1. nick dunn

            He really does work very hard. And I hate when people pressure or write hate mail to him. To me, the And thing he did that only bugs me, but not enough to hate him like that, is killing off Retsu Unohana so Zaraki can have a power boost. Others send him hate when he killed off Byakuya during his battle with As Nodt. And to me, I was so surprised and very sad. But it made me very excited at the same time. To see the Captains struggling against someone who’s their equal. Like the Sternritter. And Byakuya was supposed to die. His Zanpakuto turned into dust, and even Jugram stated that he has died. Usually when Reiatsu disappears It means they are close to death. But so many people were hating on him. So he was forced to bring him back. And that made me a little made. Kubo really never kills off any of the main characters, and that was something new he was doing. And some people just can’t except that. To me, if Byakuya stayed died, Rukias battle against As Nodt would have been so much more impacting on her character improvement. And Renji and Ichigo.


            1. AJ

              Exactly like kubo probably had to switch up some shit just to please ungrateful fuckers man I hate that shit…byakuya should have died but at the same time kubo does not need that pointless bullshit mail from people…he really should have ignored them and besides people were so fucking mad when they saw byakuya give rukia a lecture talking about “why is byakuya pepping this fodder or why is he alive”<—-like really dumbasses y'all were complaining that he should be alive and now y'all are bitching that he helped out his sister…like I said you are one of the few that appreciates his work you even expressed feeling sad but happy he did something out of the ordinary and he should cause its the FINAL damn arc…we don't need all these god damn supporting characters when we have so little mini antagonists!!! And I agree on unohana he should have just took the kenpachi title not kill her off but I guess Orihime is the new godhealer that needs to step up to the plate..


              1. nick dunn

                For Unohana. The note she left Isane was probably a letter for her promotion as the new 4th Division Captain if she died. And yes I agree some people were mad that Byakuya came to help Rukia during her battle with As Nodt. And it’s expected. I mean manga has a traditional way if doing things. Most leading Female characters get more help than they need and I have excepted that. Even though it sucks. I do like that Byakuya is back and that he let Rukia kill As Nodt with her Bankai.


                1. AJ

                  <.< where is Isane lol…its pretty weird how her and yachiru has vanished I'm under the impression one of the unknowns snatched them up since I don't want to believe Gremmy deleted her along with kensei:), yachiru and rose but it should be very very interesting but here's a question if you were a shinigami what type of Zan would you have and if you were a quincy what letter would you have?


                2. nick dunn

                  When Gremmy created that huge ass stone plate form Kensei and Rojuro fell but Isane caught them. Sense Gremmy died all he imagined is gone. So Kensei and Rojuro should be alive. As well as Yachiru. Why she lost her uniform is very mysterious. But Kubo Wouldn’t Kill Off Yachiru off panel like that.

                  Well AJ the Zanpakuto I would have Kaien Shiba’s Zanpakuto. Nejibana. The only water based Zanpakuto. It’s so beautiful and cool. I wished he had its Bankai, but it’s Shikai is very powerful too :). For a letter I would say ether BG9’S unique data extraction abilities because that’s really cool. And actually Berenice Gabrielli’s The Question. Even though it’s a off panel ability I still can imagine her fighting a Captain and The Question being very similar to As Nodt’s The Fear. Except she uses her voice to use her ability.So my letter would be K or Q. If they real a new Quincy with water abilities I would choose them. So Aj what Zanpakuto and Letter/Schrift ability you would have? 🙂


  16. AJ

    Wow I bet you would be a very tricky person to fight but I really like rukias Zan just so I could flash freeze folks or quickly drop the temperature for my own advantages and I like kensei’s as well I prefer hand to hand combatnants I would say yoruichi lol but we don’t know jack shit about her’s..and for the quincy I have to say The Thunderbolt I just love the massive destruction capabilities about it and I could probably use it way better than candy in a more creative way like amping up my defence abilities such as if someone were to cut me I would turn my flesh into electricity which would electrocute them while I’m unharmed or create an undetectable electrical force field like a real life electrical fence stomping whoever while electicuting them and for offense increase my speed by a surging myself with electricity or overall lightning form and increase the voltage, speed, and overall width of my lightning bolts thus making it hard for one to invade!!!…I also have a thing for The Power basically I would use it wise with some tactics instead of blitzing someone.


    1. nick dunn

      Man I would love to fight you Aj! I see my abilities as my best aspect. I’m not very fast and I have moderate strength. Sense you like The Thunderbolt. I wouldn’t fight you as a Shinigami sense Nejibana’s water abilities probably wouldn’t do much. But the Question could be deadly. I like Candice abilities. When she becomes electric it’s pretty cool. And the power is cool too. Meninas only used the Power like twice. Well she probably used it when she grabbed Ichigo’s head. I like the Jail too. Even though it’s not an offensive ability it’s still pretty cool.


      1. AJ

        Lol we could fight all day or spar with each other..yeah the question would probably make me talk to myself making me look crazy while you’ll be planning your next attack but I’ll have a trick up my sleave :D…and with The Power I would have to keep my distance or kill my eardrums like mask lol


          1. AJ

            Lol I wouldnt kill you though even if we were on opposite sides..I would rather frenemy you and thank you for you’re time and move on


            1. nick dunn

              Oh so honorable. The only time I’ve seen anything close to that is when Zaraki didn’t want to fight Kaname or Noritora any longer because they were very Injured. Neliel did the same thing to Noritora too. They don’t like killing someone who can’t fight anymore. Oh! I also like Giselle’s ability the Zombie. Man its so cool. Sense you got The Thunderbolt, I can just keep healing my Injures 🙂


              1. AJ

                Yea it’s very evil for someone to keep attacking when that person is on the verge of death that’s if you have a heart… And yes gg’s ability is the shit but I wouldn’t want to be a zombie since all my desires would be achieved and loved ones would likely die leaving myself to live this immortal life alone 😦


  17. dreager1

    I will admit that the pacing was a little slow for Bleach, but it was still a really good chapter. I can’t wait to see these three Quincy take out Squad Zero. Then Chad can fight Uryu while Ichigo takes on Yhwach and Orihime gets to trounce Jugram. It’s a perfect 3 vs 3 battle with everything at stake! I don’t really care about Renji’s fight though so I’m hoping that it cuts away a whole lot during their battle


    1. nick dunn

      That’s an interesting match up. Personally i believe some of tbe Sternritter that are not fighting the Shinigami will come and try to stop Kisuke and the others from entering the Soul King Palace. Like Askin Nakk Le Varr and Giselle Gewelle.


      1. dreager1

        Well, I would definitely be happy to see that because I want Urahara to fight. Personally, I wouldn’t mind seeing him take both of them on. He had a fight against Aizen, but I get the feeling that we still haven’t seen everything at his disposal. Let’s face it, Urahara must have a bankai and I want to see what it is!


        1. nick dunn

          Urahara does have Bankai. He achieved it in three days with his three day training method he created. I bet that’s what got him to see the Soul King Palace. Yoruichi and Tessai achieved Bankai and became Captains before he did. I see Kisuke fighting Askin Nakk Le Varr.


          1. dreager1

            That definitely works. I guess D is about as high as they can get when you take out the reserved members that are already fighting or defeating. It should be a blowout, but maybe I’m totally overrating Urahara. He just feels like he’s toying with all of the heroes…even when he’s losing. He put no effort against Yammi and he didn’t even bother activating his bankai against Aizen. His pride will be the death of him…


            1. nick dunn

              Kisuke is very powerful. He’s as strong as Shunsui and Joshiro. Yoruichi and Tessai are that strong as well. But I believe Aizen was underestimating him during the Winter war. Plus he was in Hokyoku form plus Isshin and Yoruichi were fighting along side him. It’s okay to overrated him. He’s very strong. His Zanpakuto has alot of techniques. And I believe Askin has just as much.


              1. dreager1

                One thing, after checking him out, isn’t Askin Shunsui’s rival? Like they were the ones who were trash talking to each other. Shouldn’t they fight each other then? Or maybe I’m mixing my Quincy fighters up. Urahara definitely seems to be high tier so whoever fights him will likely be very impressive as well. It’s going to be an epic fight!


                1. nick dunn

                  Shunsui’s Quincy rival during the first invasion was Mr. Shirt and tie with the Reishi Pistol. But now his rival is Jugram Haschwalth. He said when Yhwach’s orders were taken down he would come back immediately to face him. Askin was fighting Jushiro during the first invasion. But that’s in debate.


                  1. dreager1

                    Okay, I definitely mixed it up then. I’m having a hard time keeping up with all of the Quincy warriors. Well, I’ll definitely get them all right at some point and until then I’ll just make sure to enjoy all of the fights!


                  1. dreager1

                    Well, major Kudos for remembering them all. I’ll worry about remembering all of their faces first and then memorizing all of those names. At least I won’t forget Bazz B since he’s my favorite Quincy fighter!


              2. AJ

                Speaking of Tessai I really really really want to see his zanpaktou and what it does…he seems so calm and collected even in the shop when red and super mushroom argue or if their is something bad happening he’s like never there!


                1. nick dunn

                  Tessai is awesome. He was the former Captain and Grand Kido Cheif of the Kido Corps with Hachi has his Vice Captain and 2nd Cheif. He has such master in Kido it’s crazy. I believe his Zanpakuto will be a Kido type.


    2. AJ

      I agree with Nick I don’t really see them fighting ywach and co as they need senior captains and I’d rather have them help fight the sternritters…we need someone to fight old man, Pepe, and two of the girls as I think Lil will take on all three vc’s since meni and candy would just kill them all in one either a building or lightning bolt!


      1. nick dunn

        Seriously they are in trouble. Renji, Rukia, Mashiro, and Yachiru are probably the only vice Captains that can take on a Sternritter by themselves. And Isane as well. I’m starting to see Kisuke vs Askin and Orihime vs Giselle ; )


      2. dreager1

        Ah, but I want to see Ichigo go take on the big boss already! D: Well, I suppose that it would be a little awkward to see Chad fight Uryu, but I really wouldn’t mind seeing Ichigo’s other two friends try to stack up to the quincy. If nothing else, I just want Orihime to get a big one on one fight. A Real fight where she gets to show off her abilities. I don’t think she’s gotten a fight since….oblivion! She seriously deserves one at this point


        1. nick dunn

          I agree on Orihime. She does need a fight to prove her improved abilities. Her hair pins are very big and she has a third hair pin on her chest. And I see Giselle Gewelle Fighting her. Chad could fight anyone I guess.


          1. AJ

            I really want Chad to fight meninas like superman vs wonder woman because I see no one physically stopping her and I wonder how kubo will carry it out which shouldn’t really be that too much of a deal as some woman in reality could physically pound a man!!!


        2. AJ

          Damn I missed some of the posts lol but hell yes like I told Nick I want to see orihime get dirty and bloody not just shield and shield and gg seems like that opponent just like she led people to believe she can’t fight which was a lie since she attacked ichigo using her hands and she has a trumph card up her sleeve but someone has to do something to her that will crack that derpy demeanor and that’s orihime when she rejects her shit!!!!


          1. dreager1

            A hand to hand fight sounds great and I’m sure that she can turn her barriers into offensive type weapons. Imagine a sharp barrier that she can grab like a sword or the boomerang attack from Arc 1, but drastically improved. That would be pretty great!


            1. AJ

              Yes that’s what I’m fening for..ii want her to prove to the people that can’t see it that she is powerful in her own right and I totally believe that she’s stronger than that and who knows maybe her and chad will have some sort of form since ichigo had/has one, uryu has one, rukia has a bankai form, so why can’t the other two!! I imagine chad will full body armor with a flare of style and orihime as some sort of winged energy angel


              1. nick dunn

                Chads Fullbring will definitely look new and much powerful. Orihime’s Shun Shun Rikka is probably a Zanpakuto. But It Acts Like A Spirit Weapon. So it probably has an upgrade.


                1. AJ

                  It’s a Zan really? Just what the hell is she then cause my first impression was fullbringer than quincy since the hairpins and all that…she’s certainly a mystery race to me


                2. nick dunn

                  Hachi said her Shun Shun Rikka acts just like a Zanpakuto. And that her abilities are very similar to his own. And he has kido based abilities. So Shun Shun Rikka is a Kido type. But the way she sues her powers are like a Quincy. The hairpins are like a Quincy’s Cross, they use this cross to form their Spirit Weapon and use their Schrift abilities. So I actually thought during the Fullbringer Arc that Orihime was a Fullbringer. But sense they didn’t try to recruit her means she is not one. I bet she’s like Ichigo. She’s probably half Shinigami and Half Quincy.


          2. nick dunn

            Orihime’s Shun Shun Rikka have many abilities. Santen Kisshun is the defensive ability. Which is much stronger now sense she blocked Uryus enhanced Rain of Light. Soten Kisshun is the time reversal ability. Basically healing. Koten Zanshun is the offensive ability. Basically it can pierce through anything. Man I can’t wait to see her use it. Shiten Koshun. The new ability she used when Ginjou attacked her. She uses Santen Kisshun and forms a pyramid and fires Koten Zanshun through her sheild. Can’t wait to see what new abilities she has developed!


            1. AJ

              ^ this and that’s why we both agree gg since we don’t know what she’s actually capable of since she’s always being sarcastic and derpy and her volstandig really must be something if its sooo tiring and I highly believe that we will get a zombitchetta and I think the reason why she hasn’t brought her up is that she didn’t need her since she has other girls that are just as powerful beside her but now that there likely split up she actually has to get her hands dirty. These girls are no joke to me funny personalities yes but nah no pushovers


              1. nick dunn

                That’s how I like characters. Funny but also badass. Giselle is a very laid back Quincy like Askin. And I like her weird face she makes when she bleeds. It’s funny. She like “wow, that didn’t Hurt at all”


                1. AJ

                  I know I’m reading like tf is wrong with you and that damn face lady but she’s cool I would be her friend but watch my back cause she seems very sneaky..I love laid back characters because that’s how I am..the only negative thing with me is that I have a short temper but I enjoy good company and she would be fun to have around!


            2. AJ

              I thought she was a hybrid like ichigo as well but seeing the quincy and meni lol i was like I knew it I knew orihime was a quincy with odd powers but I’m leaning forward to what you said ya little devil you 😀


              1. nick dunn

                Omg you called me a devil. Man I’m blushing! XD. She has always been unique. She might be related to the Soul king and his family. Because Aizen did say her powers are very god like. Reversing time, erasing beings from existence, and bringing back the dead.


                1. AJ

                  Haha you have the same ideas as me….0.0 could you imagine the “mom” and “dad” wasn’t really her mom and dad and that her father is the soul king and her mother was a quincy related to ywach maybe sister lol uncle ywach and daddy soul king and her brother just happened to get the bad end of the stick<—don't really know much about mr. Hollow man


                2. nick dunn

                  Dude I was thinking that! They said her parents were very afraid of her for some unknown reason. Maybe that’s it. Man I hope they explain her past. And we finally get to see the Soul King and his family. Aj, but Mr. Hollow man do you mean White? The Vasto Lorde that Aizen, Gin, and Kaname created out of a Shinigami’s Soul to absorb another Shinigami?


  18. nick dunn

    Dude j would be your friend in this war! Dude we could be the best team! XD. And Giselle is funny. But sense her abilities work on Quincy when they die, she’ll probably Zombie them up when they do.


    1. AJ

      Hell yes I would be zapping folks lol but only if they provoke me I feel as though slaughtering is the right thing to do when someone has killed you’re peeps but revenge is never the right solution but I’ll protect myself or if I! Specifically given an order from ywach other than that I’ll just chill out until an opponent show up…sit on a ledge and eat chips like Askin lol


      1. nick dunn

        Dude yes! I’m so laid back. Even if I stole a Bankai I wouldn’t find the Captain, they have too find me. Ya Askin was eating a picnic during Zaraki and Gremmy’s battle.


        1. AJ

          Lol I would too just wait for the captain to show up but I would first learn more about it for my advantage in which some of the quincy should have at least experimented instead of “Oh I got your shit!”.>.< and yes I want to know more about orihime and I meant her brother lol maybe he was infected by something that wasn't shown in that episode but maybe at birth it was always a hollow piece in him


          1. nick dunn

            When Sota died, he somehow enterd Hueco Mundo and Hollows started devouring him, but he became a Hollow from his grief. But Ichigo cut him with his Zanpakuto and he was purified.

            The Sternritter that stole the Bankai were Yhwach, As Nodt, Bambietta Basterbine, BG9, Cang Du, and Driscoll Berci. They studied the Bankai they stole. Except Driscoll only studied Chojiro’s Bankai for one day. While Yhwach and the Sternritter had four days from June 14 to June 18. So even when the Captains got their Bankai back, the Sternritter studied them and know their weaknesses. Like when Bambietta said to Sajin that he and his Bankai are completely joined and they share the Injures.


            1. AJ

              Mmmm I guess it was just me lol I feel like when I was reading it they were basically saying I got your Zan shinigami but they should have at least do a better job like instead of talking just do it<—- what's so hard about that..and what you said about Sota will we see him and where is he like is he in soul society running around or dead again


              1. nick dunn

                He’s in the Soul society with the other human souls. Like where Kuhaku and the Fullbringers are. I ask the same question with Masaki and Katagiri. Sense they are Quincy do they go to the Soul Society when they die? Or become one with Yhwach?


    1. AJ

      I like that your very optimistic like myself….oh and the arrancar children that I was talking about is on that missing link cover page!! Look back at the end of chp 494


      1. nick dunn

        Oh that’s the chapter that first showed the Sternritter! And yes I see! They are part of the The Spirits Are Forever with you about Soya Azashiro, The 8th Kenpachi that started a Revolution 300 years ago and the Royal Guard were forced to capture him. He is currently in the mukin with Aizen. His Zanpakuto, Uro Zakuro has the ability to fuse Azashiro with anything he chooses. Making him nearly impossible to hit. But he cannot attack. His Zanpakuto can manifest it’s spirit on its own. Uro Zakuro Is a Japanese Princess with black bands covering her eyes. His Zanpakuto can completely see through Aizens Zanpakuto. He actually speaks with Aizen about his defeat against Ichigo. And that Arrancar Children is only one I believe. She has a Spider Resurrection.


        1. AJ

          Oh damn they must have some powerhouses in that prison…that’s going to be crazy when they break out and so why is there a group of kids or are they one being? And a spider resurrection that’s pretty dope…speaking of that shutara makes me wonder if her zanpaktou would be something like Anansi the spider because her title has something about weaving and it makes me think of a spider


          1. nick dunn

            It’s possible. Shutara Senjumaru did invent the Shinigami Uniforms and something else too. People think she looks like Noritora’s Resurrection. Her artificial arms do weave her clothes. She is with out of doubt the one that weaved the protection clothing that Ichigo is wearing made out her and the other members bones and blood? Or hair?


            1. AJ

              Yea the way ywach put it is rather disturbing and disgusting but I think they got someonrs body from a cemetary or something similar.. I agree she probably used her artificial limbs but I don’t see any of them taking a piece of their bones and hair out for someone even if it is ichigo


              1. nick dunn

                But that’s what’s his clothes are made off. Remember when Ichibuei showed Ichigo the Oken? His bones stared to bleed to reveal the oken. So it seems like they just did that for Shutara to weave it. And ya Yhwach knew about that and the 72 barriers as well as the time difference. He’s obviously been their before or he has Quincy who give him these extremely important data. Or Daten in German that they use.


                1. AJ

                  Oh yea that’s still disgusting and weird as fuck…you know what would be really crazy if shutara was ywach wife or ex wife that is Indeed the one who is helping him on the low…cause putting something that sacred on ichigo is kind of suspicious and it really makes it seem like the rg are retarded


  19. nick dunn

    Well that’s a stretch idea Aj :). I don’t believe Shutara is secretly working for Yhwach. But like her and the other members, they have fought Yhwach and the Quincy 1000 years ago. So they know how they are. Shutara said they are more evil and devious than Aizen can ever be. And Oetsu instantly recognized Yhwach from 1000 years ago in Ichigo’s Soul. So when Yhwach confronts them, all five of them will know him personally like Yamamoto and Retsu did.


  20. AJ

    Haha at least I tried she just throws me off sometimes like her ways are so sketchy and why didnt they warn ichigo about hia clothing<—they still fucked up and i know they noticed they fucked up lol but I want to know what her and mayuri's relationship is since she knows him and how the hell did she break into his lab so fast…I'm excited for next week I just hope he gives us a lot of chapters like he did for yamamoto's bankai I also wish I could tell kubo to relax and fuck the hate mail!!!


    1. nick dunn

      Dude yes Omg I know! Kubo works so hard. And you know, most of the time he doesn’t care what the hate mail says. He does what he wants because Bleach is his. Unlike the auther for Naruto, who usually let’s his fans pressure him. And actually all the Naruto fillers are part for the Naruto Manga I believe? Maybe I’m wrong. Bleach however does not have its filler for the mange. That’s anime exclusive. Bleach began in 2001, Naruto stated in 2003. Yet Naruto has more episodes and chapters. Because he doesn’t take that much breaks and he sometimes let’s his fans keep him working. But Kubo does his own breaks and most of the time doesn’t care.

      And yes I can’t wait for Wednesday!! XD. Man seeing Yhwach and the Royal Guard man! Mayuri was actually was in prison for some horrible crimes he committed. He’s also I believe around 300 years old or so. Maybe even older if he knows Shutara. But she obviously has a superior intelligence compared to him.


      1. AJ

        Yea I actually stopped reading naruto’s manga to me it lost its actual “ninja” theme and went all avatarish and it’s not appealing anymore but I still have a place for naruto somewhere in my heart but I dislike it now!
        I want to know what he did..do you think it was the soul suicide experiments? Or torturing of the innocent…I want to see some sort of freaky chimera or grotesque figure!!


        1. nick dunn

          Ya I don’t like Naruto as much as I Love Bleach. Who knows what Mayuri did. He was separated from the other prisoners because he’s so dangerous. Plus he’s a Shinigami. I know Hiyori hates him so much when he became 3rd seat of 12th Division. He’s obviously very interested on the new Quincy and what new abilities they have. Like his freaky but effective Sun Shine outfit he and Nemu are wearing. 😉


          1. AJ

            When I first seen that shit I was like kubo must have drunk a Capri sun or some damn orange juice for those outfit designs but I wonder if he is still stalking askin…I want to see nemu Zan but somethings telling me she doesn’t have one since she’s an AI but if he doesn’t fight askin<–which I'm leaning for urahara to fight than who will he fight? Pepe? For attacking the research facility.. Plus his little Zan spirit butterfly floats around like pepe


            1. nick dunn

              Nemu does have a Zanpakuto. She just doesn’t carry it with her. But she will use it eventually. I do see Mayuri fighting Pepe. Yes he did attack the 12th Division laboratory during the first invasion. Plus he’s the only Sternritter that’s creepy as fuck like Mayuri.


              1. AJ

                Well I can see her helping out mayuri and using that Zan maybe bankai or something extra crazy on Pepe since he’s one of the “monsters” along with askin and hell yeah they both freak me out…he reminds me off a demon cupid and that laugh is ridiculous


            2. Sternritter C

              its confirmed that Nemu does have Zanpakuto (looks at the picture where all 13 vice-captain holding their zanpakuto)..even Nozumi Kujo artificial soul like Nemu in Gotei 13 Invading Army Arc does have a zanpakuto..so there is no reason for her to not have it…


              1. nick dunn

                That’s true. Kirio Hikifune created the mod soul. So she knows they can have Zanpakuto. Plus you can’t be a vice Captian without mastering Shikai. Nanao and Isane have Zanpakuto as well. Can’t wait to see what they can do. I see Nanao taking on Jugram’s Female Quincy aid.


                1. nick dunn

                  I see that happening man! I bet Isane is like Retsu. When she finally fights, she turns out to be very powerful. Because she knew all about Retsu’s past and how strong she is. If Chojiro was erythromycin powerful and Yamamoto was even stronger than him, I see Isane being Senior Captain level like Chojiro was. Because he mastered Bankai before Shunsui and Jushiro. I see Isane being very similar. And she and Jushiro are actually very close friends. Kubo said she’s known him for a very long time.


              2. AJ

                😀 I totally forgot about that page lol I want to see nanoa’s Zan to what do you guys think it is? Maybe the sunshine since kyaroku(can’t spell his name lol) is shadow like


  21. Sternritter C

    sorry but Jugram and Uryu just a small fry in front of Royal Guard’s Captain…even Ichigo don’t even can’t defeat RG Captain…this is the right time for Yhwach to use Yamamoto’s bankai that he steal before…

    Jugram = Kyoraku, Ukitake, Urahara, Yoruichi, Zaraki
    there are reason why these captain mention above still didn’t fight b’cuz there save for later which is important part especially Kyoraku, Ukitake, Urahara and Yoruichi…

    Mayuri also has some important role


    1. nick dunn

      Those Shinigami you have listed are all Senior Captain level. Including Jugram, Uryu, and Ichigo. So if Jugram and Uryu are gonna fight the Royal Guard. They are gonna have to team up to take on even one of them.


      1. Sternritter C

        yup…and i wonder there are six sternritter that still didn’t been introduced which is C,L.M,N,X,W but we know three from these six sternritter are Mr.Tie, Pepe, and Shaz Domino leaving three more unknown sternritter…i bet these three are powerful as Jugram or at least powerful as Geremy to fight senior level captain in SS that still didn’t fight..also i don’t know whether Ukitake’s opponent is one of three unknown sternritter b’cuz some people said his opponent is Askin but if we look back in first invasion, Ukitake’s opponent hair looks like Stark’s hair style which is different from Askin…


        1. AJ

          Mmmm…i do agree with you about jugram being isshin, yoruichi, urahara level but his ability is still something to be extra careful with, yeah we don’t know what the rg can do but still uryu and ywach is with him and I’m with you on him using Yamamoto’s bankai…and one of !y theories is that the 5 femritters equal one person sternritter L!!


          1. nick dunn

            Yhwach is probably gonna use Yamamoto’s Bankai first. Because he can’t use Vollständig because of the Bankai he stole. And I see more Quincy on Jugram Haschwalth’s Level of power. They so far are Mr Shirt and tie, Askin Nakk Le Vaar, Giselle Gewelle, Gremmy Thoumeaux, Uryu Ishida, Royd Lloyd, and Driscoll Berci. Though Royd, Driscoll, and Gremmy are dead so that just leaves the first four so far.


            1. AJ

              I want to say the Mind but we might be missing more to his powers maybe he is the Chaos which makes a person look deep inside themselves and make them draw out that hatred of whatever person they actually have toward and make a them attack that person but idk reallyi want to see Askin’s though!!!


              1. nick dunn

                That’s also possible. When Pepe was controlling Jindanbo he looked like he was hypnotized, not angry. He could be the Control?


                1. AJ

                  >.< who know's I think nanana would be the hardest to guess since he hasn't been using anything except his bare hands like meninas


                2. nick dunn

                  Whatever his Schrift ability is will probably be very dangerous. After all, he did defeat Rojuro during the first invasion.


                3. AJ

                  He just makes me wonder if his is unknown or understand or some type U word were over looking damn it kubo!…quincies are so interesting they need more character development though I mean seriously their people were slaughtered and none has even said one thing to their opponents not even “oh you’re family killed my grandpa or my mother” it was more like “die fucker die”….but i would totally be a sternritter fuck the shinigam ;D


        2. Sternritter C

          in addition my personal thought if Ukitake actually an evil and betray Soul Society and in the last Kyouraku have to fight him…


          1. AJ

            You know what after looking back on his shady nature…my old thoughts were that urahara,isshin,yoruichi, and tessai knew some shit like horrible shit and aizen acted out on that to prevent whatever and how he stated why are you still helping “It” makes it hella suspicious but my original battles for them was urahara vs monk shinigami, isshin vs oetsu, yoruichi vs that fast guy, tessai vs hikifune, and mayuri vs shutara but seeing urahara there with ichigo changed my mind I still want that yoruichi vs candy scenario!!!


            1. nick dunn

              Hey anything is possible! :). Some people do see Yoruichi vs Candice. But sens she had to sue her Vollständig to fight Ichigo in Shikai, I don’t believe she’s strong enough to take on Yoruichi. I see Yoruichi fighting a female Quincy that’s the fastest Hirenkyaku Master of all the Quincy.


              1. AJ

                Yea but that should be Candice the thing is she fought ichigo who she did an ok job with seeing she didnt get knocked out and besides its ichigo lol out of all people who’s stronger than koma who bambi fought even if he was immortal and I think she’s the fastest female along with old man who is the fastest male and overall Quincy but who knows I’m still betting that those last two wings she got are stronger than electrocution she’s like bazz b with all those damn named techniques..but I kind of get why you say that its yoruichi the shinigami Queen!!!


                1. nick dunn

                  Well Yoruichi is very powerful. She can fight without her Zanpakuto like Tessai. And yes I believe Candice Does Have Many Techniques She Can Use Later on. With Sajin if he didn’t use the Human Manifestation technique, I believe Bambietta would have killed him. Her Vollständig is very strong. And her Blut Vene is very strong too. She can take hits from Sajin’s Bankai Blade and come out uninjured. The thing that defeated her wasn’t the impact of his Blade, but her own Reishi making her into a Bomb. Completely bypassing her enhanced Blut Vene.


              2. AJ

                The only thing is that makes me believe they could fight is that damn candy and her last name catnipp like the fuck was kubo thinking? Grimmjow or yoruichi…arrancar kitty or flash cat and now we have a thunder cat lol seriously it makes me think of all their last names Basterbine= maybe Blasterbine lol, Mcallon= Ayon’s old name before change, Lamperd= lamprey, Gewelle= blood diamond/ blood jewel… Makes me wonder about them like I’m really intrigued by them and its weird cause I only did that with a very small few like kensei and renji


                1. nick dunn

                  While Grimmjow is a sexy panther. And Yoruichi can become a cat and it’s probably part of her Zanpakuto. Candice Doesn’t have any cat like traits other than her last name. Bambietta’s name in Italian means Baby like I believe.


              3. AJ

                Yes that’s why I’m like why did kubo give her the last name catnipp its so confusing..and its ironic because she has her tongue out when attacking sometimes other than that Giselle did call her nyan which is meow..like are we missing something?


                1. nick dunn

                  Probably just a nick name they use for each other. Bambietta is Bambi. Candice is Candy. Meninas is Meni, Liltotto is Lili, and Giselle is Gigi.


              4. AJ

                Lol I know that much…I’m saying are we missing something like what does she do cat related…does she meows when having sex or does she like licks milk you get the idea?


                1. nick dunn

                  Hey man I agree completely. Just gotta ask Kubo I guess. Not just Candice, but Bazz-B has a weird ass name too. I Mean Bazz-B? Sounds like a gangster name or something. It’s why I see him as an American like you and Me.


              5. AJ

                What does the B stand for Burner?..Bazz Burner lol you think he will tell us readers his whole name like Gremmy did or he’ll skip the reintroduction and he seems like a very chill rocker and gangster mixed without the screaming voices of rock and just some chill tunes


              6. AJ

                Yea I like him too he has a lot of techniques..thanks to kubo..I wonder if he’s just limited to fingers? But it would be really weird to use anything else…oh yes he does have burning stomp! His volstandig along with the rest make me wonder if they are using their full power :/


                1. nick dunn

                  Well some people think Bazz-B has up to 10 burner fingers. Each stronger than the other. Well I don’t believe that. I think each Burner Finger is completely random with strength. And I believe he can use up to 10 Burner Finger in his Vollständig only. But just using his Schrift ability he can only use 5.


              7. AJ

                I think its random too but more of increasing the overall size of his attacks and speed not necessarily power..like how he used burner one it was simple and fast, burner 2 was simple and fast, burner 3 was a more widened attack it looked pretty slow compared to 1+2, burner 4 is faster than 3 but still slower than 1+2 but the explosion is much bigger, I think the more his fingers go up the speed increases more than the last but will still be slower than his first two yet making up with huge effects of its larger range.


              8. AJ

                Hell yes askin…needs to show us what’s so momstroues about his powers I’m ready lol…and Pepe needs to tell us his letter since we already know his powers well kinda


                1. nick dunn

                  Ya I know! Askin is like “oh I would have to try so many different ways to kill you” and ya Pepe Can Control People With His eye ball staff Spirit Weapon. I bet he’s M for The Mind.


        3. nick dunn

          I only say it was Askin because they haven’t introduced any Sternritter that have hair anything close to that other than Askin. And I agree with you about Shaz Domino he is probably X. I believe Pepe is M and Mr. Shirt and tie is W. For C, L, and N are currently unknown. One of them will probably fight both Tessai and Yoruichi. Sense I see Askin taking on Kisuke.


            1. nick dunn

              Some people believe Shaz is The X-Ray. Sense he was able to detect Akon and the other members of the SRDI from a high level Kido barrier that hides Reiatsu. I kinda see him taking on Shinji. N can be anything I gues. Nature? Neutral? Nucleus? Never?


              1. AJ

                Oh yes shinji versus sight very interesting Nick…and the nature sounds pretty cool but of what human nature, quincy nature, earth nature and the Never sounds like you will never kill me..but I would go with neutral since its pretty simple “I can neutralize any attack and render you useless shinigami” that would be pretty bad ass


                1. nick dunn

                  Hey its possible. These Quincy Have Such Diverse Abilities Anything Is Possible. When I said Nucleus, it would be like Telekinesis. Man I’m hoping for a Psychic/Jedi Quincy! XD


  22. AJ

    Oh shit that would be dope haha…I wonder if we will get this old Hebrew Phoenician looking guy with some sort of Egyptian artifact too..but who knows we might get some sort of random person like a clown!!


    1. nick dunn

      Again man its so possible!! These Quincy are from all over the world! So it’s possible they have a Quincy from Egypt. Mayrui’s face paint seems like that of a clown.


      1. AJ

        He feaks me the fuck out I wouldn’t even fight him I would retreat and tell him next time maybe lol…isn’t it a reason he paints his face and what does his real face look like..his character design is very interesting apart from the freaky shit just like with renji’s tatts and eyebrows and kenseis 69 stuff but mayuri is by far the most dazzled up character I’ve ever seen


        1. nick dunn

          Mayuri has a very unique look. Kubo actually said Mayuri is his favorite character to draw. And I like the tattoos all the muscular men have. Renji has his tattoos. Kensei and Shuuhei have the 69. Grimmjow and Ikkaku have the war paint near their eyes. Yoruichi has a tattoo of a flower on her left thigh.


            1. nick dunn

              When Aizen betrayed the Soul Society, he is seen taking a shower after he recovered from his battle with Uryu. He was dark skin. And he has no ears.


              1. AJ

                Eww the fuck happened to his ears..I wonder if he cut them off himself just to look at them with his weird ass..poor mayuri I couldn’t live with out hearing,seeing,speaking,touching or smelling I would cry every night!!


                1. nick dunn

                  Me either that’s crazy. He has done many experiments on himself. It’s how he has some unique abilities. Like his Snake Belly Arm. His False Skin ability that hides his Reiatsu. And that ability he has that turns him into green slime when he stabs himself with his sealed Zanpakuto.


                1. nick dunn

                  If you are interesting to him. Like when Sui-Feng was fighting BG9. She said Mayuri would love to experiment on him because he’s a robot.


                1. nick dunn

                  I would just avoid him all together. The Sternritter have the ability to hide their Reiatsu by scattering their Reishi all over the Vandereich.


              2. AJ

                I wonder about that too I initially thought they knew how to perform the shadow teleportation technique like what old man did when he summoned the soldats from a wall and speaking of soldats I want to see them actually fight the shini foot soldiers just to see how they fight do you think menoly and loly will fight them? We never seen menoly’s resurrecion


                1. nick dunn

                  Ya its a Teleportaion ability like the Shinigami’s Senkaimon, and the Arrancar’s Garaganta. Sense Loly and Melody are in Hueco Mundo with the other surviving Arrancar. I see them fighting the Jagdarmee foot soldiers with the bows and the long spears.


              3. AJ

                OK so I believe ywach will kill the SK and some rg please kubo save hikifune though..we need a sexy chef lol but in that result of the sk’s death I think all the “barriers” of the realms(human,hollow,ss,wanderweich) are going to be destroyed that will combine all the realms into one place which would allow humans to see spiritual beings but something will happen causing terror and panic(new sterns+quincicars) or whatever else(aizen’s trolls) hopefully we get some human players such as that weird kanakura town superheroes to help the weaker arrancars like loly and menoly fight the jagdarmee and weak quincicars and the vizards and fb will help fight whatever the new threats along with remaining sterns!!!…I see CHAOS after this things death and some banging chapters!!! 😉


                1. nick dunn

                  Ya basically that’s it! I truly believe they have Quincy In the Vandereich that are as powerful as the Royal Guard and much stronger than the Sternritter. Ha ha Quinccar XD


  23. nick dunn

    This for for your statement Aj. I agree with you about NaNaNa he probably is the Understand or Unknown. Ya really the only Quincy of the Vandereich that even said anything close to that was Quilge Opie. He said the Quincy Letzt Stil was a relic of the last and an obsolete ability. The Vollständig was perfect like hevan. He even said the only on who liked the ability was Soken Ishida. He denied the Quincy studies and evolution. He’s probably the most self raucous Quincy around. I belt the Sternritter probably didn’t mention the Quincy Massacre from 200 years ago because all the Sternritter expect Uryu are not Japanese and lived all over the world. So probably the Massacre only happen in Japan. Because Ryuken and Masaki were the only Prue Blood Quincy in Japan. But all the Sternritter except Uryu are Prue blood Quincy as well. Plus the Quincy have always outnumbered the Shinigami.


    1. AJ

      Lol man it took me a while to find your post I didn’t think it would be way down here…but that’s what I thought these quincies were the newbies/fresh faces of the quincy race since none of them mentioned shit and you really hit the spot on this one great job yo :D..I want to see ryuken and masaki now 😦


      1. nick dunn

        Sorry ya I didn’t have room all the way up there! XD. Anyway thanks dude! Eventually they are gonna flash back what really happened during the Quincy Massacre and who was in it. Ya I always wondered what Letter and Schrift ability would Masaki, Ryuken and Katagiri have??


        1. AJ

          O.O Masaki the Mother, Ryuken the Light, Katagiri the Nemisis…I’m just fucking with ya but who knows lol I wondered that too for a while actually but those three should be the strongest out of all sternritters my bet is that masaki would be the most powerful followed by ryuken, katagiri, uryu, hashwalth after ywach!!!


          1. nick dunn

            Dude we have like the same freaking mind because Omg I completely agree!! XD. Masaki, Ryuken and Katagiri would definitely be the strongest with the other tree as well. I personally believe Masaki would be Sternritter R The Rain. Sense The flashback about her is “Everything But The Rain”. Isshin has a Fire Zanpakuto, and Masaki has a Water Spirit Weapon. She can manipulate water and make Rain storms and even turn herself into water. I don’t know about Ryuken but he could he something very tricky. I see Katagiri having a defensive ability kinda like Quilge Opie’s The Jail. Sense Ryuken’s Parents trust her to protect him when they were younger.


            1. AJ

              Oi Tier is Masaki 🙂 if that’s the case I have a weird feeling but idk about it and is it possible to replace another letter since Jerome was R? But I hope we could but I don’t see anymore sternritters after the unknown 3 just more quincicars and some old old back in the day quincies and more of aizen’s evil prisoners!!


              1. nick dunn

                Well the Shinigami that manipulate fire are Yamamoto, Isshin, Love and Momo. So I wouldn’t mind having another character other than Halibel and Kaien that can manipulate water. Dude its highly unlikely but what if the last 3 Sternritter are Masaki, Ryuken and Katagiri? Am that would be cool! And ya Jerome was Sternritter R. But I Consider him the weakest sense he actually used his abilities against Zaraki and it didn’t even injure him. And I believe they have another elite but smaller group of Quincy as Strong as the Sternritter and Jagdarmee that are based in the World of the Living.


                1. AJ

                  Totally agree on there is more than two sections of quincies that’s why I wondered who will fight the vizards in the human world, and Jerome along with q, and ryod’s older brother were the weakest but we still should have seen some volstandig but I guess not everyone has one and I think its due to what ywach said basically he cut off volstandig when they used the bankai devices and when they returned to their owners ywach turned it back on which is why Candice’s volstandig resonated it’s not because she wasn’t skilled because if that was the vase she wouldn’t have any named attacks nor be able to control all that electricity. And yea I have the same feeling but I don’t think its possible for masaki and co to become sternritters but who knows!!


                2. nick dunn

                  Completely agree on Jerome, Lloyd, and Berenice being the weakest Sternritter. Now for the Vollständig. We know it grants them immense power from absorbing more Reishi and increasing their Schrift abilities. It’s not a natural ability like an Arrancar Resurrection. They have to train hard to achieve it like Bankai. When the Captains got their Bankai back by Kisuke’ s hollow pill. All the Sternritter could use Vollständig. Bambietta said when they stole Bankai, they couldn’t use Vollständig. Because Vollständig requires a Quincy to have a very large Reyioku. Like the Shinigami Captains. But sense they stole Bankai, which also needs very large Reyioku to use, the Sternritter needed to focus their Reyioku on the stolen Bankai, not their own Vollständig. Because you can’t use two powerful abilities at the same time. No matter how strong you are. That’s why currently Yhwach cannot use his Vollständig because he still has Yamamoto’s Bankai. Now when the Sternritter release their Vollständig, all their Reishi Scatters across everywhere, so most likely Candice’s Vollständig just popped out for a bit because if it. Not because she didn’t master hers.


                3. AJ

                  Agree Agree Agree lol…people were bitching about the three not having vol because they were soso fodder for zaraki which is not really true they probably tried to steal his but it seemed like they knew he was a SWP so they attacked him like the girls did but the dummy roar caused zaraki to not hear Bernice..but yes I agree with the scattering of reshi which I thought “OK her wings popped out because of a shockwave of energy or so on” and people were bitching about how the femritters because of that were weak to which was not the case!!! Lol people seemed so simple minded but you’re very sensible:)


            2. AJ

              What do you think about the hashwalth lady..her eyes are so freaky is she clairvoyant..if so that would be pretty cool for the quincy but what exactly is her duty?


              1. nick dunn

                Oh her? The Black Eye Quincy? I believe she is not a Sternritter. But from her unique appearance. I believe she is as strong as a Sternritter. People say she will be Nanao’s Quincy rival, sense Jugram is Shunsui”s Quincy rival. But she could be a Sternritter too. She just didn’t have her Sternritter Tench coat on. Her black eyes must be a clue to her Schrift ability.


                1. AJ

                  I always thought she would be like Medusa and a mermaid/siren mixed into one which would be the ability to force a person who looks directly into her eyes to do anything she desires and if that person rejects or overcome her will they would turn into stone right on the spot…<.< that would be really freaky and deadly!!


  24. nick dunn

    Ya I meant manipulate a person’s shadow. Like how Shunsui uses Shadow Demon, which is basically hide and seek. He hides inside the Shadow and attacks it.


          1. nick dunn

            Ya she hasn’t yet. She was going to use her Shikai against Yamamoto. BUT he released his Reiatsu at her and she had a stroke it something


                1. AJ

                  His old ass is dead now 😦 but I want to see more shini die..its the ending arc so why not kill a few and bring in some newbies 😀


                2. nick dunn

                  You mean Shinji? You want him dead? It’s possible some Captains will die while fighting the Sternritter and they die as well.


                3. AJ

                  Oh my bad I ment shinigami..him too lol..he’s just annoying sometimes with the Cheshire cat grin but his personality is cool another laid back character is always a plus


  25. nick dunn

    Yes Aj people kept saying that Jerome, Berenice, and Lloyd were not Captain level because Zaraki killed them fast. Well they forget Zaraki Himself is very powerful. Probably close to Senior Captain level at that time. Those three did have Vollständig. I do wish they would show them and Royd and Driscoll before they died. Ya honestly they are just hating on them because either they are in a group fighting or they are women. I believe they are very strong and actually smart to fight in a group sense most antagonist do not fight together. And they have proved their strength already against an injured Zaraki and a last power up Ichigo. And when Bazz-B hit them all with his Vollständig enhanced Burner Finger 1, they all got up like it was nothing.


    1. AJ

      I wonder what their designs would have been in voltandig?…I so think that Gorilla form could have been Jerome’s volstandig but I doubt it because we should have seen at least one wing in that panel but I van see Bereniece having question mark wings don’t really know about the twins :/ really sad how they were both born with these abilities yet we didn’t get to see a volstandig it was nice with the backstory but we still should have seen something worthy instead of a base form for Yamamoto’s bankai to destroy but it was cool!!


      1. nick dunn

        Ya I always thought Jerome’s Vollständig would he him as a giant gorilla with wings. Berenice is see her maybe with Question mark wings. But her appearance would change alot and her eyes would change as well. Like her eyes become completely white. For Royd and Lloyd is unknown. Some have already made fan art of each of there Vollständig and they look cool.


  26. AJ

    Lol all white eyes that’s so weird but a question is actually blank since it’s an unknown something but maybe the twins combine eyes and summon a triple…I don’t really know but it would be so damn bizarre!


    1. nick dunn

      They’re abilities are very bizarre! I always wondered what Gremmy’s Vollständig would be? I mean with just his Schrift ability he can Imagine anything he wants. So what could his Vollständig be if he achieved it?


      1. AJ

        You know for a sec I thought his cover page or the title page image was his volstandig since he looked pretty demonic with those shark looking teeth…and I have no clue what it could have enhanced maybe his brain? Or killing everyone by deleting them >.<


        1. nick dunn

          He didn’t have Vollständig. It was just his creepy ass persona that he has. Apparently he has red eyes and his character design is based off of Yukio. The Fullbringer that can create nearly anything with his Video game Or PS3 I liked to say.


          1. AJ

            What color is his eyes when they get all fucking big like he’s on crack lmao…are they still red?..and i know he doesn’t since he would possibly kill everyone except ywach and the anime is going to be cray but its going to have aaaa looot of stuff cut and censored..yukio should have been his opponent both him and yachiru..let the kids play!!


              1. AJ

                I feel you on that one..a long time ago I stated him and all 5 girls were mid tier only because they were inexperienced yet their abilities were/are very hax.
                Examples of combat: Gremmy,Bambi,Candy… Gremmy mindfucked himself nothing else, and if Bambi was very experienced she should have gathered whatever little frustration PMS shit she had going on and nuked koma all in one instead of spamming like a retard, Candy same as Bambi with her emotions although she does have skills such as lancing and swordsmanship.
                Examples of uncreativity: Gremmy, Gigi… Gremmy was so shitty using his imagination he made me want to paint a picture of nothing he had poor use but I give him the meteorite on that one, Gigi she doesn’t seem creative at all with her blood..she could at least develope a skill to create some sort of hardened blood sword or gather some human pieces such as bones for offensive attacks instead of relying on dead corpses to fight for her.
                Examples of contradicting oneself: Gremmy, Meninas..Gremmy he really didn’t think his ablities were enough to kill zaraki so he made him stronger than he already was..if he wouldn’t have been questioning why zaraki was such monster he could have one..Meni she was contradicting herself for a bit stating she should not slaughter ichigo and than attacking him like it was nothing lol…if she were to go into volstandig what big of a difference would it make to attack him the same way.
                As of most skilled I have to say liltotto although her ability is weird she’s very calm and collected, seems to know when she’s at and disadvantage, and knows when she has an advantage such as going vol against 6. Meni comes close<—she doesn't have any personality so its hard to classify her.
                PS. Long Ass Post!!


                1. nick dunn

                  Hey I like it when you post long thoughts. Very interesting and very accurate. I agree about Gremmy if he’s not careful he can imagine his on death. Which is why I believe if Berenice Gabrielli was stronger her ability The Question, would have effected him greatly. And yes he really couldn’t think of anything to hurt Zaraki? Ya the Meteor was cool. And I loved that Galaxy Room. That’s what really injured Zaraki. But making Yachirus bones into cookies was very effective because her Zanpakuto is a melee type. If he could have imagined Zaraki’s sword melting or his bones crumbling then he would b have impressed me more. Now about Bambietta I agree as well. She new about Sajin’s Bankai and her Vollständig was very powerful and effective for her to kill him if he didn’t use the Human Manifestation technique. For Candice I agree too she does let her appearance judge her actions. But she uses stronger abilities instead of rushing in and leaving any openings. Bazz-B was the same in this Chapter about his hair and used Burner Finger 4 against Renji. Which seems pretty powerful. Meninas doesn’t talk much. But ya she thought they didn’t need to Slaughter Ichigo like she said. But her grabbing him by his head was pretty cool. Hell even Mr. Shirt and tie said “taking a direct hit from Miss. Meninas and not fazed? Your a sturdy one” She her ability is very powerful and dangerous. Liltotto does seem the most collected like you said. She did realize they were fighting Ichigo first when none of them have even seen him before. Giselle seems extremely laid back to me. Even when fighting Ichigo I don’t believe she was going all out like Candice. She said her abilities aren’t really for fighting. I believe sense she can heal not just herself and others with flesh and blood. But she can probably manipulate blood in general like they do in Dead Man Wonderland. I bet when she fights solo she will show more techniques.


              2. AJ

                Awe I feel greatly appreciated.. You like my long posts :)..and all of these sternritters are powerful yet they have some flaws..and that being said I don’t doubt the upper senior levels having flaws neither..time will tell I guess but I agree on Giselle displaying more of her ability as I said Z would have some sort of relationship to whatever A is..but I really wanted her to be teach granddaughter but that defeats my theory!!


                1. nick dunn

                  No problem Aj I really love talking with you. 😉 thought that as well about A and Z. But now I think Z is just as strong as A for the Sternritter. Because I already see it. Uryu Ishida Sternritter A and Giselle Gewelle Sternritter Z vs Ichigo Kurosaki and Orihime Inoue.


              3. AJ

                I totally see them fighting but with ichigo i hope it will get interrupted only because I feels like uryu needs to complete whatever task he’s got going on which I want to see…I just have the feeling uryu will die in ichigo’s arm’s which would give us a very emotional chapter yet I want uryu to at least critically injure ywach but who is going to kill haschwalth I have no idea but I hope it’s ryuken or isshin or even aizen but I want a few sterns to survive like bazz,askin,and at least three girls I have a feeling Giselle will die by orihime who could possibly reject her being as of now since she looks pretty powerful…but I want Giselle to injure orihime like orihime has never been hurt before and I’m not talking about loly hurt..I want a few bloody wounds for that fight!!!


                1. nick dunn

                  I wish dome of he Sternritter will survive too. But sense their Schrift abilities come from Yhwach, it’s moat likely that they all die. Probably even Uryu will die.


              4. AJ

                😦 pretty much I can see orihime some how reviving uryu or saving him but it’s still sad I can’t really imagine none of the girls being killed in such horror along with my bazz he seems like he can change his heart around..I hope he does along with the girls..damn it kubo the quincies are so fucked!!!


              5. AJ

                Damn they might as well grab a hold of their hands and sing kumbya in a circle at the end of day 9…but do you think it’s a way out? Or nah..


                1. nick dunn

                  If their is, Uryu will try and find a way. But it seems like its their destiny for something. Of course the only Sternritter I think would try and stop that is Askin. He’s giving off some rebellious attitude. But not like Bazz-B. But very shaddy. Some people keep saying Askin is really Aizen in disguise. But if they were true Bleach fans they would know that Kubo sometimes based off some of his new characters off of old ones. Askin’s Shady attitude is the only thing he has in common with Aizen. And his hair and his single strand of hair in front of their faces.


              6. AJ

                Lol he kind of looks like Charlotte+Aizen but I think he will stop whatever is happening but the thing is we don’t know what the fuck is happening!…but he’s extra shady like we said about urahara together they cast more shade than a damn tree…


                1. nick dunn

                  Dude they do! And yes I saw the Aizen + Charlotte = Askin :). Yup those two are very shaddy. And I like that He and Giselle don’t just rush into fights. They usually wait for the fight to come to them. I belt the ones that don’t fight head on are probably the strongest. Man what could his letter and Schrift ability be? When he was introduced, he used so circular door or something and it caused Jugram and Bazz-B to stop. I don’t believe he used some Teleportaion ability. I belive he used Hirenkyaku. He’s probably extremely fast on Hirenkyaku like Kisuke is extremely fast with Shunpo. He’s even faster than Sui-Feng and Byakuya. Only Yoruichi is faster than him.


              7. AJ

                The Death was my initial thought as he stated he could make mayuri die a lot of ways but now it could be some sort of deminsion/dark type of ability I really don’t have a clue but Giselle has a very crazy ability if you think about it every single mamal has blood and I want to say she probably can make her blood virus go airborne like in a lot of zombie flicks but who knows what askin can do…guessing the letters is kind of fun but at the same time urkes me


                1. nick dunn

                  No that’s good! She can probably manipulate her blood to effect more Shinigami with The Zombie. Ya the translation Saw was that Askin said he would have to try many different techniques to kill him. So it could be Death, or Dimension. Probably Death 🙂


              1. AJ

                As was very weird especially how he tilted his head and in my mind all I could think of was the Grudge and the yawning noises..lol and his fucking wide eyes..him and the Joker could be best friends but Pepe is like a baby to as in the creepy department…


                1. nick dunn

                  Yup. These Quincy Have a wide variety of personalities. Or when he was just chilling eating his little picnic while Gremmy and Zaraki fight.


                1. nick dunn

                  Well I just woke up and here in Houston Texas I already saw the new Chapter. God its pretty interesting but disturbing at the same time. 🙂


              2. AJ

                Lmmfao Gigi though…that’s some shit some crazy shit…I don’t think yumi would lie but omg really and I told ya zombitchetta


                1. nick dunn

                  I don’t believe Giselle is a man. Sure her smelling like semen really threw me off. But that doesn’t make you a man really. I bet she fucks alot of grunts like Bambietta and Candice do. I still consider Giselle a women, regardless of what Yumichika said. And ya man the minute she said Bambi chan I was like ah shit it’s true! She’s turned her into a zombie! And wow man Tenjiro is the first Royal Guard to take on Yhwach. And look at that his Sealed Zanpakuto is that wooden paddle and his Shikai is basically the paddle with a blade. That’s cool. So I bet Kirio’s Sealed Zanpakuto is her giant spoon, and Oetsu’s Sealed Zanpakuto is that blacksmith hammer.


              3. AJ

                In so sad right now like seriously my whole day is partially affected…and for the first part kirinji(the fast dude OK..I now know his name) has a water or light water Zan that’s pretty cool..i guess some of the rg’s are like the four cardinal beasts and the middle point is the monk guy or some shit like that but other than that ywach seemed soooooo disappointed it kind of made me laugh how he has that dickface going on…but for the other half Nick I have NO fucking clue dude I don’t want to believe she is a he but her facial expression toward yumichika’s comment speaks otherwise..I’m so disappointed in finding that out lol I’m freaked out this strongly makes me think she/he is a necrophiliac… We might just have to deal with it..but I want to see that flashback so I can see the expressions from candy,meni, and Lil…cause that is FUCKED UP to oblivion!!!!


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