Posts Tagged 'Sarada’s Sharingan'

Sarada’s Real Mother! Rescuing Sakura – Boruto 21 & 22

Sarada’s Real Mother! Rescuing Sakura – Boruto 21 & 22

Boruto 21 and 22 build up the character of Shin quite well as we see Shin firstly fighting against Sasuke…

Sarada’s Feelings! Sakura vs Shin – Naruto Gaiden 8

Sarada’s Feelings! Sakura vs Shin – Naruto Gaiden 8

Naruto Gaiden 8 focus on Sarada’s feelings towards abandoning both Sasuke and Sakura after finding out that neither of her parents have been there for her, while Naruto tells her to forget real things and fake things and only care for the real thing. All this happens while Sasuke locates Sakura in Kaguya’s dimension where they plan on going there.