God of Thunder! Heart of the Spirit King – Bleach 656

Bleach 656 see’s some back story to both Gerard and Pernida as we see Gerard destroying everything in his path, but Askin traps Ichigo, Orihime and Chad with his abilities when Yoruichi “God of Thunder” appears and shows off her abilities dealing a critical hit onto Askin, is he down?

Bleach 656 begins as Gerard runs through the Vandenreich kingdom destroying anything and everything he can see as he laughs. All while Askin looks at him mentioning that he’s finally unleashes his Schrift. On top of which he knows that Lille got his ass handed to him.

On top of which, he thinks that Gerard probably doesn’t know that Lille has been defeated. Maybe he should tell him a little about the Schutzstaffel (SS). Lille was the leader of the SS, he was the first Quincy to be bestowed with a Schrift by Yhwach, so his position is unwavering and ironclad.

The the two others, Pernida and Gerard already had powers before they were ever with Yhwach. All of a sudden, they were given Schrifts for their work and status. However, there was rumour going around mentioning that Pernida’s true identity is the Spirit King’s Left Hand, while Gerard is actually the Spirit King’s Heart!

He doesn’t even know how it all began, but still it’s all just rumours he mentions. The asks if Ichigo is even listening. He looks upon Ichigo who has collapsed in front of him. He mentions that it might be hard for him to do so with his face planted on the ground like that.

Orihime and Chad appear as Chad smashes the ground with his Brazo Derecha De Gigante! However, seconds later, they’re also trapped in Askin’s area of effect ability. He mentions that he’s poisoning them with a large amount of Reishi. He mentions that he’s lowering any resistance he chooses of anyone in a radius.

This time he has chosen Reishi, thus he is making sure that they’re overcome by the dense Reishi in Wahrwelt. He can thus kill by causing lethal dosage of any element that he can manipulate. In turn he has to take in a great amount of whatever it is he wants to manipulate, for example if it was blood, then he’d have to drink a lot of it.

However, his stomach is about to explode from all the cafe au lait. Yoruichi appears behind him. She hands of a rock, however she is not touching the ground. From what she can make out, by stopping them from moving, he can just kill them however he pleases.

Askin is quickly reminded of Bambietta as she is also quite similar. He swings his foot to hit her, but t misses. Yoruichi asks if he thinks that his opponents are really that beneath him. Askin mentions no, and how he just likes to defeat his opponents with a little elegance. After doing what he does, and breaking people’s neck, it seems more suited to Bambi and Yoruichi, he mentions.

Yoruichi powers up as her electrical powers begin to spark and forms a wing. She mentions that she doesn’t know who this Bambi is, but the point he’s making is that it seems that it might be how the beautiful do things. Askin mentions that both Bambi and her are beautiful, but a woman’s value isn’t in her superficial qualities.

Askin springs out his bow and shoots two arrows towards Yoruichi. Yoruichi bounces to act quickly as she holds one of the arrows and shoots it back towards Askin.He’s shocked after he’s pushed away from his ability and into the air. Yoruichi mentions that they’re in a hurry and thus enables her Shunko Raijin Senkei (God of Thunder’s War Form. She unleashes it onto Askin, Bleach 656 ends here.

A fantastic chapter, Yoruichi unleashes her awesome power while Askin poisons Ichigo, Orihime and Chad. And the Heart of the Spirit King, Gerard, goes mad laughing and destroying everything he faces. Can’t wait for next week’s Bleach 657, when we’ll see even more awesomeness.

There are 71 comments

  1. nickdunnaquatic

    I loved this chapter! Not just for the action, but for all the information we just got!

    Apparently, Lille was the leader of the Schutzstaffel. Which is cool because he’s very powerful and he does seem stronger than even Askin. I also love how Askin explains that Pernida and Gerard have powers aside from their Quincy abilities. We knew about Pernida, and that her Schrift Yhwach gave her is The Compulsory, but it seems Gerard has a set of powers aside from his The Miracle ability. The fact that these two are tied to the Soul King makes me think they will survive their battles and play an interesting role in the future.

    I was a little surprised that Askin took out Ichigo. But this new technique, Gift Bed is haxed. He used The Deathdealing on the Reishi. Yoruichi is having one hell of a fight. I also find it interesting that Askin knows Bambietta well and similar to Liltotto’s crew, he doesn’t seem to like her. At least personally.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sunite

      I honestly think that the king will reform and this will bring all of these parts of his body back together into one. Two legs, two arms and a heart. Question is, who are the legs? But yeah, agreed with you. Amazing chapter. Also, I think that Askin is nowhere near dead.

      He mentioned for him to poison someone using something, he needs an absurd amount of that thing. This is exactly what has happened here when Yoruichi attacked him with such a brilliant attack. Askin will poison her with her own power.


      1. nickdunnaquatic

        It’s possible that might happen. I’m just curious as to why the Soul King hates the Quincy so much. I feel like he did something horrible to them. If Askin can make Reishi lethal, it also means Reiatsu as well. So when Yoruichi hit him with this awesome Shunko technique, it’s possible he will swallow some of it and poison her.


    1. nickdunnaquatic

      Also, did you notice something? Askin said Lille was the first Quincy to gain a Schrift and that’s why he’s the leader of the Schutzstaffel. But during his battle with Shunsui, he said he was the last Quincy. I believe thud was a miss translation and what Askin said is the truth and here is why.

      1. Lille said he is the one closes to god (Yhwach) Wouldn’t it make more sense for him to be the first Quincy to gain a Schrift than the last? It would explain why he considers himself Yhwach’s greatest creation and that he’s the leader of THE Schutzstaffel.

      2. We already know who was the last Quincy to gain a Schrift. It wasn’t Lille, but in fact Uryu.

      When we get a flashback from the first 1000 year blood war, we will likely see Pernida, Gerard, Lille, and maybe even Askin was original Sternritter. I believe what Askin met was that even before Yhwach gave Pernida and Gerard a Schrift (The Compulsory and The Miracle) they already had unique abilities of their own. And that’s because their beings are part of the Soul King, sense Askin said they are still Quincy.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Josephia Jeremiah Bhwanah

    Totally agree! I too think that all individuals somewat associated with the Soul King will have an interesting role to play in the future, perhaps even help in a battle against Yhwach atleast dats wat i think even thou the idea is far fetched but i have a feeling thats likely to happen..So into Askin righrt now & the way he owns “Ichigo”, IMO opinion, Askin powers are difficult for Ichigo to comprehend & thats y he is having trouble, also sort of reminds me of the encounter between Zaraki & Pernida..Its not that Zaraki was weak but rather Pernida just happened to be a bad mismatch for Zaraki which i think its also the same case with Ichigo VS Askin


    1. nickdunnaquatic

      Yup I completely agree. That’s why Gerard will survive his fight and Pernida will survive her fight. They are now important to the story regarding the very mysterious Soul King. I also agree about Ichigo. He is stronger than Askin, but he was very reckless. Grimmjow was reckless and he got poisoned. Now Ichigo is poisoned. Yoruichi is a perfect match for Askin because she is smart and powerful. She is definitely using her Shikai and hopefully Bankai in this fight. Same with Zaraki. He is potentially as strong as Pernida. But he very reckless and Pernida’s Schrift is a perfect counter for Meele based fighters like Zaraki.


  3. dreager1

    Best Bleach chapter in a while! While I think Ichigo should wreck Askin instantly, it was still pretty hype to see him steamrolled into the ground like that. That’s definitely an epic way to start off a chapter. I like Gerard a lot so it was good to see him wreck the others, but I don’t mind letting his fight take a break to see Askin for a while longer. Yoruichi’s been due for a fight for so long. I’m pretty sure that she’s going to lose this round, but it would be nice to see her break out a Bankai and actually manage to claim victory here. I do want Lille to own Kira as well since I want the Turkey memes in the comment sections to continue! Yeah, things are continuing along quite nicely!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sunite

      I really like how Kubo is handling this. He’s moving along with relative time, but not like many other shows. It’s just going and going. And showing the most important parts. I think it’s why Kubo is unique and amazing in what he does.


      1. dreager1

        Definitely! Bleach gets a lot of hate on this arc, but I’ve been enjoying it a lot. Nothing will beat Arc 2 for me (The full Hueco Mundo + Aizen experience) but this is probably my 2nd favorite arc in the series. I can’t wait to see some of the older characters return as well like the Xcution members who went off to train.


  4. Josephia Jeremiah Bhwanah

    Dreager1, bleach gets a lot of hate on this arc bcoz this arc had the potential of being the best, the fact that u find the second arc to be the best given the little it had going in comparison to this says it all, & i agree with most of the critics on this arc but it doesnt necessarily mean i dont enjoy it even as it is(like i did this chapter & many of the few others), but i like few others still think this arc had so much to offer than we are currently getting but its not all out bad, i have seen worse in bleach to call this arc bad even this arc doesnt much live up to what i expected of it..It might as well end up to be the most exciting out of all the arcs IHMO even thou nothing come close to excitement i left while watching the soul society arc..


    1. nickdunnaquatic

      Personally, I believe some people don’t like this arc is because Kubo is being rushed in this arc by his editors. Which sucks because I wanted him to go his natural pace. Like he was clearly rushed with the Sternritter because barley any of them got a good long Bleach fight. The is going his natural pace with the Schutzstaffel fights.


  5. Josephia Jeremiah Bhwanah

    & i also think its safe to assume that Ichigo might potentially be stronger than Askin given the only fact that he is the main protagonist..the fact that he was taken down by Askin’s schrift power should only further serve as proof that he is nowhere yet close to defeating Yhwach…& from wat we have seen from other Schutzstaffel, think its safe to not take the Elite quincies likely, even against the likes of Ichigo who mostly has for the most part relied on brute force and overpowering his opponents..With Askin, i dont see him able to pull that off given Askin’s abilities & the fact that he is a smart strong opponent which is why i think that he is a terrible mismatch for him & its only serves right for Ichigo to be in a position he is right now,, I’d pretty much love if Yoruichi handles this fight all on her own since she proves to be a perfect match for Askin..Unlike Ichigo, she is smart & powerful & she more experienced & this is also her chance for us to see wat she can really do..

    & this goes without saying dat given the current revealation about “Lille”, Im somewat happy that this does Shunsui alot of justice since he faced The leader of the Schutzstaffel( & the most powerful of the Elites) other than he just fought against one of Yhwach’s OP henchmen & he actually had him if it wasnt for his weird abilities to become intangible & untouchable & for his godly abilities, Lille actually had a chance simply bcoz Shunsui couldnt harm him by ordinary means..& i also agree with u “Nick” about the mistanslation about “Lille” being the last quincy other than the first to get schrift, I think that makes alot of sense given how u sorted it out!


    1. nickdunnaquatic

      Ya, these Schutzstaffel are not weak. They are the strongest Quincy around. I’m glad Yoruichi is fighting Askin. She’s very smart and perceptive so Askin won’t be tricking her. I believe sense we are close to the end of the year, I believe Kubo will make the last chapter of 2015 reveal Yoruichi’s Shikai.

      Thanks. I’m glad this chapter explained more about the Schutzstaffel. They are still a mysterious group. I am also glad that Lille is the leader. Its possible he is the strongest, but considering Pernida has the left arms power to evolve, and Gerard’s Heart power makes me think he is equal to these two in power, but stronger than Askin and Jugram without The Almighty. Shunsui was done justice for fighting such a powerful opponent. Josephia, I have a theory about the Schutzstaffel. I believe Pernida survived her fight, Lille survived his fight, and I believe Gerard and maybe Askin will survive their fights. I believe it’s because, other than being relevant to the story, they will fight again and go all out like Lille. I believe they will fight the returning Royal Guard, who have yet to go all out except Ichibei. One match up I know will happen is Shutara Senjumaru vs Pernida Parnkgjas. Shutara has an unknown history with Mayuri, who fought Pernida, I think this fight will definitely happen.


  6. AJ

    Well hello muthafuckas lol..just kidding but y’all do know that if yoruichi so happens to be defeated it will only be temporary. I’m pretty sure kubo isn’t gonna do her like that. Also her brother is bound to show up! I feel like yoruichi is tied to the monster cat that like strikes people with lightning if you touch it. I think it would be awesome if candy pips out of no where and helps out yoruichi since the title was interesting “God of Thunder” I think it’s possible that Candice could be tied to whatever yoruichi is as well besides being a Quincy. Askin did say some of the sternritters were born with their abilities but with Ywhach it seemed more like the schrift for his source of power personally. Like he inserts himself and takes shit from folks.


    1. nickdunnaquatic

      Hey AJ! XD Its been a hot minute sense you’ve commented! How have you been? I think your on to something about Yoruichi. I always did see a connection between her and Sajin because of the existence of the animal realm.


      1. AJ

        Ive been good. I mean I just find it obvious at this point. She dropped hints to haineko..plus she even transforms into a cat. I wouldn’t be surprised if her brother does the same.


  7. Josephia Jeremiah Bhwanah

    Interesting theory “Nick”, but i think as it is the Elite quincies have already seem to powerful to be given even more Shinigami to fight with but yet again, thats likely to happen since the number of quincies remaining to face the remaining Shinigami is few, only three to be exact(Jugram, Uryu & Yhwach) while the rest r already in crashes & we have yet to see alot of Shinigami play their part(Ukitake, Urahara, Ryuken who i believe will eventually pop up at some point & Aizen) i strongly believe that these guys will have there fair share in this war

    I also did a thoroughly digging on Pernida & Gerard & it is as i thought that ther powers didnt come from Yhwach but rather ther own being one Soul King’s parts & all, Yhwach just bestowed a schrift in recognition of their status but they had their powers all along & it has nothing to do with Yhwach giving them Schrifts

    I think Yoruichi is going to use his zanpaktou or one of the the godly items that their Clan possess, & i also have a theory that perhaps the reason Yoruichi never resorted in using her zanpaktou might perhaps be coz other than being just a zanpaktou, its also somewat a godly item like other godly possessions their clan possess & thats y why she kept it sacred & never resorted to using it..

    & nick, tried to comment on “Davidoko”s post u commented on this blog https://readbleach.wordpress.com/2015/08/22/fastest-characters/ but somewat my comment doesnt appear, i wonder if the is something wrong with the blog…


    1. nickdunnaquatic

      Interesting. Fair enough. I believe whenever Ryuken and Isshin get involved, it will be to fight Jugram. He and Yhwach seem to be the only Quincy other than Uryu that will fight the main antagonist.

      I believe when Aizen makes his move, it will be to fight Yhwach. That won’t happen any time soon because Yhwach is asleep. I believe when this fight happens, Aizen will show how much powerful he has became but ultimately lose to Yhwach, who is stronger.

      I still believe the Royal Guard will fight the Schutzstaffel later. Remember, Yhwach created the Schutzstaffel to fight the Royal Guard to begin with. Its the perfect idea to show case how powerful the Royal Guard really are compared to the Gotei 13 Captains and allies by facing the Schutzstaffel by themselves. I also have a theory about one Quincy. Go back to chapter 544 and you will see Jugram going to his room. He meets a woman with pitch black eyes. I believe she is powerful like the Schutzstaffel and is with Jugram and Yhwach at the Wahrwelt Capital Palace.

      The translation for Pernida and Gerard are different. But I believe what Askin meant was that Pernida and Gerard have powers that Yhwach never gave them. Based on their unique powers, the rumors spread about them being part of the Soul King because remember, Mayuri read a book about the left and right arm that represent evolution and stagnation. Clearly if the Shinigami have knowledge of the Soul Kings many powers, so do the Quincy. I can show you the difference between an individual’s own abilities and abilities that are from the Soul King.

      Jushiro Ukitake.
      Shinigami powers:
      Zanpakuto. Jushiro does have a Zanpakuto like any Shinigami. His Zanpakuto can absorb and reflect any energy based attack. He also has a Bankai.
      Shunpo. Jushiro is as fast as Shunsui.
      Kido. Jushiro has shown great skill in Kido.

      Mimihagi powers.
      Stagnation Governance: The right arm has the ability of stagnation. The ability to stop anything or any advancement at all.
      Life Increase. Mimihagi can increase the life span of anyone it becomes one with. It stopped the incurable lung disease Jushiro had and allowed him to become a Shinigami. Only problem is he coughs up blood once in a while.
      Kamikake. This ability allows Mimihagi to use its host (Jushiro) as a vessel to save the Soul King.
      Stop the destruction of the worlds. Mimihagi stopped the destruction of the worlds when Yhwach made Ichigo killed the Soul King, which stopped the Soul Society, World of the Living, Hueco Mundo, and Hell collapse.
      Future Sight. Uniquely, Mimihagi can see the future, which allowed it to be immune to The Almighty.
      Chi monsters. These one eyed monsters are what Yhwach released against the Shinigami. Apparently, these monsters soul purpose was to stop the existence of the Shinigami.

      Now for Pernida Parnkgjas.

      Quincy powers:
      Schrift. The Compulsory is Pernida’s ability she gained from drinking Yhwach’s blood. She can use her nerves to infiltrate anyone and anything she chooses and warps. She also has a Vollständig we have yet to see.
      Hirenkyaku. When Yoruichi attacked Yhwach, he called Pernida to attack her. She appeared behind Yoruichi and surprised her with The Compulsory.
      Blut Vene. When Zaraki attacked Pernida a second time using his left arm, she tanked the attack and suffered no injures.

      Left arms power.
      Evolution Governance:
      The left arm has the ability to advance anything though the process of evolution.
      Left arm form. In chapter 599, when the Schutzstaffel were introduced, Pernida was shown in her human form. This is proven when she shows us her human hand. I believe during her battle with the Royal Guard off panel, she transformed into the left arm.
      Speech. In her left arm from, Pernida’s speech wasn’t very good during her battle with Mayuri. But slowly it started to get better and better as the battle continued. This must be a side effect from being in this form. Because in her human form, she spoke. When Shutara summoned a giant Divine Soldier, Pernida whispered that it’s size does not matter, in which Shutara asked her what did you say? But Lille answered her for Pernida.
      Regeneration. Pernida has shown to have the best regeneration abilities in the Bleach universe. However, it’s possible it’s only in her left arm form. When Oetsu stabbed her through the head with his Zanpakuto Sayabuse, she died.
      Reconstitution. Pernida can reform her battle and multiple at will. She can also change her anatomy at will.
      Evolution. Pernida can use its nerves from the Compulsory and evolve by gaining information from her enemies. She used this power to make one of her clones as strong as Zaraki, and gained the skin shedding ability from Mayuri’s modified Bankai. She also devoured Nemu and gained her unstable cells which caused her to be in a constant state of regeneration.

      P.S the reason why I call Pernida female is because her name is feminine. She is also the shortest Schutzstaffel member, which makes sense because women are naturally shorter than men. I also don’t believe Kubo would make all the Schutzstaffel male. Sense he made the Royal Guard have two female members out of three male members. I believe when we see Pernida again, we will see her human form.

      Now, with Yoruichi. Its very possible her Zanpakuto is a godly weapon. I wouldn’t be surprised. We have actually seen her sealed Zanpakuto in the past before and here are three different times.

      First was when Yoruichi in her cat form told Ichigo abiut Kisuke being the former 12th Division Captain. Kubo showed Kisuke being in the Shinigami academy and Yoruichi in the Onmitsukido. She has her Zanpakuto on her right side and it looks like a Tanto or Wazashi with a dark purple hilt.

      The second is during the anime flashback of Sui-Feng. Her and Yoruichi were fighting Hollows and Yoruichi kille done with her sealed Zanpakuto, Which has A Small blade, Circle tusba, and A purple hilt.

      The last time was actually 110 years ago during the creation of the Visord. Kubo said in a data book that Yoruichi, as the 2nd Division Captain at the time, wore her Zanpakuto just like Sui-Feng, horizontally on her lower back. Only difference is that she wore her Captain hayori over her Zanpakuto, unlike Sui-Feng who wares her Zanpakuto over her Captain hayori.

      I know that blog. It does work, it just takes some time for the comment to actually show. David has been working really hard so he hasn’t been online lately. I’ll go check it out.


      1. davidoko

        Nick, i agree with you. Aizen’s like to fight Yhwach(and lose).But this will definitely bring out information about Yhwach that we do not currently no. Just like how Jiraya got information on the six path of pain(except Aizen might not get the chance to spread the news).
        The elites(can’t really spell Schutsavell or so) will probably be defeated by the royal guards but i sense a difference with Gerard and possibly Askin. Maybe Zaraki and Urahara respectively.


        1. nickdunnaquatic

          Hey David it’s been a while! 🙂 Fair enough. I understand. I really do want the Royal Guard to fight the Elite Guard. It would he so epic. Do be honest, the only Schutzstaffel I don’t see losing is Pernida and Gerard just because they have a set of op powers. When I first saw Askin and we found out how smart he is, I believed Kisuke would fight him. But Yoruichi is the next best choice. Zaraki may fight again if he is healed in time cause Pernida messed him up bad.


          1. davidoko

            I see what you mean. Actually Pernida and Gerard don’t really give off the evil aura. Pernida might me a little creepy but i think he’s brainwashed or confused. I’m not really saying they’ll become good guys but for someone like Pernida, his resolve will be crushed.Then as for Gerard, you are on to something.Actually I think all these parts of the soul king are are important keys to the story or there would be no need mentioning it.


            1. nickdunnaquatic

              I understand. Sense these two are still Quincy, I don’t believe they will go against Yhwach sense they have been with him for so long. The fact that Yhwach has these two Quincy with parts of the Soul King in them makes me question the Soul King? How evil he was. The Quincy cannot stand his existence, and when Mimihagi saved the Soul King, Yhwach asked him why and was surprised that it was. Something the Soul King did makes me believe Yhwach, Pernida, and Gerard know something that we don’t. If they know it, the Royal Guard know as well.


    2. davidoko

      Sorry Joseph. I’ve been busy. I don’t know how to just make the comment approved automatically.
      Anyway, the way i see things.i don’t think any of the elites will be dying any time soon. The weakest might be Askin.But i get the feeling that he take yoruichi down with or without her Zanpakuto


      1. nickdunnaquatic

        I’m glad the Schutzstaffel aren’t going to die. Askin is too strong for Yoruichi to fight without her Zanpakuto. I believe she’ll use it by the end of this year. Askin is canonly the weakest Schutzstaffel sense he just got promoted and was never a Schutzstaffel to begin with like Pernida, Gerard, and Lille.


  8. trinin ninja

    It appears bleach is getting interesting again from the looks of this chapter. First we find out some secrets about Gerald and pernida. Then we see a main character who few could have predicted would be defeated by askin, We also get to see some action from the secondary characters. All this is what made this chapter interesting to read in my opinion.


    1. davidoko

      I see where you get Izuru. Imagine Gerard becomes too heavy for his body. I picture him shouting “ODEN’S BEARD”.
      As for Kisuke, I see it as a mismatch(my opinion) cause of the difference in personality. Though Kisuke won’t have much trouble taking Gerard down.
      As for Shinji, it’s not a mismatch they both give me this negative feeling. But even in Shinji cut’s Gerard, He’ll just get bigger.


    2. nickdunnaquatic

      I totally see that too. Izuru is a good match up, but he is not in the Wahrwelt. He’ll probably go Bankai against a weak Lille. Shinji and Kisuke will definitely work together against Gerard. Of course, after Gerard defeats Byakuya, Renji, and Rukia and after Hiyori, Hachi, Lisa, and Love go Shikai and Bankai and more than likely lose. Kisuke will probably find out that Gerard is the heart of the Soul King when he uses an ability other than his The Miracle. I personally don’t believe Gerard gets bigger if you attack him in his large form. I believe that only happens in his regular form. I believe in his large form, he can convert his injures into something else. Just a guess of course.


          1. davidoko

            With all this, is Gremmy still the strongest Sternritter? I can still see him beating the elites despite their OP powers. I can picture him beating Jugram(as long as The equaliser doesn’t ruin the scales). I picture him beating Ishida(as long as he doesn’t have the Almighty). I picture him beating anyone without the Almighty!


            1. nickdunnaquatic

              Honestly, the only Schutzstaffel I think Gremmy can defeat is Askin. And that’s only because he said that Gremmy was stronger than him. But with Gerard, Lille, and Pernida? I personally don’t think so. The have not power and equals Gremmy, but they have experience and intellect when fighting. Gremmy doesn’t. If he had Vollständig, than yes he would be stronger than them.


              1. davidoko

                I’ve got to agree that Gremmy lacks experience. He’ll have a problem with Lille cause of the intangibility stuff plus i don’t picture Gremmy as a creative person(else he would have taken Zaraki down). But I don’t think Pernida can endure what Zaraki did. Plus there really wont be much to evolve with. The only problem is Gremmy isn’t smart enough to understand what’s going on. I can’t place anything on Gerard cause we haven’t seen his true power yet.


                1. nickdunnaquatic

                  Ya I agree, other than Askin, Gremmy maybe able to handle Pernida. But to be fair, we haven’t see her Vollständig. She has the best regeneration abilities in Bleach. I think she can handle the first wave of attacks Gremmy used on Zaraki. Up until The Compulsory gets him, which will confuse the shit out of him but ya Pernida is the only one he may have a chance with. Lille’s Intangiblity makes him immune to nearly all of what Gremmy can create. Expect cookie bones and Galaxy Room.


                    1. nickdunnaquatic

                      Ya I agree. The minute he did that to Yachiru’s arm, I was very impressed. Very similar to how The Compulsory works, but weaker. With an ability to imagine anything, Kubo had to make Gremmy an inexperienced and kinda lackluster creative thinker or else he would be way too op.

                      Sense he and Pernida actually fought Zaraki, we can only compare one thing, and that is reaction speed. Gremmy couldn’t really reaction well to Zaraki’s sword strikes, and that’s largely due to The Visionary. Sense he can only think of one thing at a time, which is counter or heal. Pernida was able to break Zaraki’s arm the minute he cut her head.


                    2. davidoko

                      I could think of people who could use the Visionary power very well.
                      1. Aizen Sosuke
                      2. Yammamoto
                      3.Ulquiora Cifer
                      4. Syazzoropol(sorry can’t spell 7th espada )
                      5. Byakuya( but he’d become arrogant)
                      6.Shunsui(He wouldn’t really enjoy the power)
                      7. Jushiro
                      8. Jugram
                      9. As Nodt
                      10. Ishida Uryu
                      11. Liltotto Lamperd
                      Well there are a few mor but i didn’t list them in order


        1. nickdunnaquatic

          Man, if any one if these characters got The Visionary, they would be so op. Interesting choice sense all of these characters are very perceptive.


    1. nickdunnaquatic

      That’s actually a possibility. Aizen could break his binds and go to the Wahrwelt and reach the capital palace. He could face Jugram with The Almighty, than the morning comes and Yhwach Wakes up and take over the battle.


        1. Ultimate Coordinator

          About a year ago Yhwach stabbed the Soul King. It’s been like 45-50ish chapters. BLEACH better end with an amazing chapter for 2015.


            1. nickdunnaquatic

              I also agree. I don’t believe Bleach will end in 2016. Kubo still hasn’t shown us the two flashbacks he said he’d reveal. The first blood war from 1000 years ago, and the Quincy Massacre 200 years ago. He also needs a flashback for the Soul King and how Pernida and Gerard became parts of the Soul King.


              1. Sunite

                And other potential parts which might be somewhere, or someone. I guess Bleach may in fact surpass Naruto in the number of chapters, which in my honest opinion, I’d want that to highly happen!


                1. nickdunnaquatic

                  I always thought that Bleach would surpass Naruto in chapters. They’re are so many things we still need to see. In fact, if Kubo went his regular pace this arc and actually had most of the Sternritter have proper fights like he originally wanted(basically the remaining Sternritter that got Auswählen) than we would already have alot more chapters.


                    1. nickdunnaquatic

                      Merry Christmas eve and Merry Christmas for tomorrow as well Sunite! I think I might know what the last chapter for this year will be.


                2. Ultimate Coordinator

                  Lool I never said it’ll end in 2016, I don’t expect it to. Need a flashback for the original Gotei 13 who killed all quinces, Aizen flashback, Soul King flashback, etc.


                    1. nickdunnaquatic

                      Yup I completely agree. This arc has shown us alot of information for a good 3 or 4 seasons so far. The fact that Kubo keeps popping up facts about characters that were around for a long time( like this chapter) than its obvious we’ll get a flashback. And I’ll bet it will he the longest flashback arc in Bleach.


  9. Christopher Waters

    I’m enjoying the chapters and all that but I really just want to know where Yachiru Kusajishi is. I really think the theory of her being Kenpachis sword is wrong I don’t have a theory of my own but still. Its been a long time and want to know where she is.


  10. trinin ninja

    i just realized that the quincy have two parts to the soul king: the left arm and heart. The soul reapers only had the right arm. these quincy are not to taken lightly it seems.


    1. nickdunnaquatic

      Really makes you wonder what the Soul King did, because remember, when we first saw the Soul King, Yhwach said they sealed him in that crystal like barriar.


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