Gray’s Death!? Ultear’s Sins – Fairy Tail 334


Fairy Tail 334 bring the death of Gray Fullbuster! Or it seems, while he goes to save both Meredy and Juvia, he gets hit by a laser from one of the smaller creatures, the first goes to his heart, the next obliterates his body, the last is a straight headshot! Is this the final end to Gray’s life? We see Ultear take the blame for SImon’s death, she is unable to do anything except think about killing an innocent soul, Rogue.

Fairy tail 334 begins with Millianna getting closer to both Jellal and Erza. Erza tells her that she’s already forgiven Jellal for what was done, Jellal mentions that it’s okay for her to be like this. Millianna asks why Erza’s covering him even after he killed Simon, as well as held them captive in the tower.

Millianna mentions that she cannot forgive him, and that she’s going to kill him. Erza mentions that even if she kills him, it won’t change anything. Millianna cannot stand the fact that he’s still alive and that Erza’s protecting him. Ultear walks in, she mentions that her hatred is directed at the wrong person. Ultear mentions that she was the woman who controlled Jellal from the shadow.

She tells Jellal that they don’t have time to be messing about there, they need to start fighting and get rid of the other smaller dragon’s offspring quickly. Ultear also mentions that she was the person who murdered Simon, she was also the one responsible for having that tower built in the first place. If Millianna survives, she will take any hatred she has for her.

Erza quietly mentions that Ultear was also a victim of the tower, from the moment she was a child, she was always led down the wrong path. Millianna is confused, Jellal asks what is wrong with this twisted world. Erza mentions that whatever happens, they must endure and persevere in that world. Kagura listens from a long distance, she’s also not happy, she nearly releases her sword, but then puts it back.

Ultear walks on, she thinks about how killing Rogue will be the only thing to bring everything back to normal. She remembers what Natsu mentions about going the wrong path. She walks on for a little while when she falls down, she mentions that this is the real her.

Sting arrives where Rogue is, she mentions why he’s spacing out. He tells him that he’ll lend him a hand, Rogue wonders if he’s already killed that dragon. He denies this, we’re shown the back of there, the building is coming down, he’s actually brought a running dragon towards him.  Sting mentions that whatever happens, they’ll always be a team.

Sting tells Rogue that it’s time to show them the power of the twin dragons. Rogue wonders, as long as Sting is with him, everything will be alright, even if he’s stained with evil, the light in Sting will surely help him. We go back to Ultear, she’s on the ground, she seems to have frozen, as she’s just about to kill an innocent human being, even without a second though, she was about to erase a person’s life. Even after all she’s been through, she’s not changed a bit. She mentions that her sins cannot be wiped off that easily.

We move onto Meredy and Juvia, she asks if Juvia’s seen Ultear, she doesn’t seem to have. Out of nowhere, a beam of light comes out of a smaller dragon, however, Gray appears and seems to have saved both of them. Lyon tells them that this is a warzone, and they must be prepared.

Gray tells Juvia that he needs to tell her something, it seems that Juvia quickly gets into a state where she’s going to hear I love you from Gray. However, a creature quickly begins to charge his laser, Lyon shouts her name, however, she cannot move in time. Gray shoves her and takes the hit, unfortunately it hit right on Gray’s heart! It has fully gone through his heart!

Everyone notices this attack, the dragon creature begins their assault, this time, six different holes are made in Gray’s chest and arm! Juvia looks back in shock, He begins to fall when he smiles at her, Juvia looks horrendously scared and in shock, the last laser strikes at Gray’s head! This could be the end of Gray! Juvia shouts his name, Ultear mentions that she no longer has the right to live! Fairy Tail 334 ends here.

What a crazy episode, and can this be possible, is Gray’s life over? Or is the mangaka truly trolling us with some kind of illusion. How can such a cool and awesome protagonist die with such an attack, however if this is the end of him, it nice to know that he went out saving Juvia! Can’t wait to see what happened during next week’s Fairy Tail 335, titled “The Time of Life”.

There are 61 comments

  1. RayhanFR

    Maybe it was his Ice Clone? when Simon attacked Juvia’s Water Clone (Which has Gray’s Form) there was blood right? So it could’ve been his clone… I REALLY HOPE SOOO


    1. Sunite

      Hmm i guess, Gray is one of the bigger characters and has too much of a connection with us, so i guess it had to be something… Hopefully it doesn’t ruin what we think about gray at this point…


    2. ChiDuckie

      It showed his blood, it’s highly unlikely it was an Ice Clone. But this is Gray we’re talking about, from Fairy Tail, he already went through a lot, he’ll live.


      1. M.K.

        Bro, one of the blows went straight through his head, I hate to admit it but I don’t think that gray will survive, but project eclipse is standing and they could easily go back in time, after the battle obviously, with no one to stop them, and go back to the moment before he died to save him. This may end up kinda like DBZ where after the battle they bring back the people who died in the battle and this is a major battle so there will probably be more fatalities. P.S. I make no promises, this is only a theory. T_T


    3. spoonofdoom

      Have you seen Naruto? The part where Chiyo-ba uses a jutsu to revive gaara?
      Well i think the same thing will happen… But in this Ultear will sacrifice herself… Meredy will say she will… But Ultear will reject it… Or so i Hope… :S


  2. MS7

    I think that’s what Levy meant when she’s says Every one died even the one that I love “I think she meant Gajeel” however maybe we will see more of fairy tail death I hope not !!


    1. Sunite

      Yeah we all know that Gajeel and Levy have a thing going on. I just hope that they all die, but in fact somehow due to the timeline being changed a little, they all come back, possibly Rogue’s death, actually happening… Or Acnologia or Zeref show up…


    2. Chocolatte

      But wasn’t that a different future? There were 3 possible futures right? That could’ve been the future Rogue was from if everyone was killed. Lucy’s future was probably slightly better.


  3. NightSora

    Hope it was a clone or everything gose back after it’s all done or something grays death is badddd he’s to much of the story if it ties into they all died even the one i loved them im sure something will bring them back maby spirite king for all we know but Q.Q if they all die thats messed up and fairy tail wont be the same


    1. Sunite

      Hmmm, let me ask you, what if they all did die? and what if what Future Levy is saying comes true… what will you think then? There will always be a way for it to continue, and I’m sure it will…


    2. M.K.

      I think what sunite said is true, they will find a way to keep it going cuz no matter how u put it, everyone will not die, think about it, I don’t think gildarts is anywhere to be seen which leads to my conclusion that if no one in the battlefield survived than atleast gildarts is gonna survive and he gonna keep fairy tail going


    1. The Man

      The sacrifice of the precious thing known as ‘life’
      The time known as ‘life’, cannot be rewound..

      But who knows maybe Ultear can resurrect someone in exchange of her own life.


    1. Sunite

      Lol, i think he was going to say something like, take care of yourself, not something as obvious as I love you.
      Hopefully he comes back, but I want to see more deaths before that…


  4. Isamu715

    What happened to divine protection of all Fairy Tail members? It was said in the Tenrou Arc that as long as the tree on Tenroujima stands no one bearing the Fairy Tail emblem will die.


    1. M.K.

      No I fear that the tree thing was only for on tenrou island. That was the reason they chose tenrou island for the test, because anywhere else gildarts, or Ezra, or mirajane coulda lost control and kill one of the test takers and their partners.


    2. Brandy87

      That’s only while they’re on Tenroujima island though…I think it could be a clone he filled with blood to make it seem real to unleash Juvia’s full power. She was one of the elemental 4 ffs! lol. I don’t know what will happen, but I think it’s highly unlikely that, even if that was the real Gray, that he will stay dead for long.


  5. tomato-sama

    they will all die 😀 look at the 3 future plot jellal will think of the great future for them present is not a big problem i think mavis and zeref will do their job for this arc… they are talking about dragons here maybe shenron will appear shurorororororo


    1. Sunite

      hahah xD I hope he does. I think Mavis and Zeref have a big connection, possibly bro/sis relationship… I know it’s a long shot but it could be possible. I hope he does show up soon and show his potential power. Mavis seems to have gone from there? Where is the question lol


        1. Sunite

          I’m sure he would lol, the reason I say this is because most anime’s don’t usually have many deaths when it comes to fights and such, e.g. Naruto’s manga had Neji’s death, somewhat a big deal, Bleach has Yamamoto’s death, and again a big deal.
          If Fairy Tail had more big characters die, it would be a big deal and thus make a lot of people upset. FT is a great anime, and it’s based on magic, meaning that it could even be possible to bring people back to life or something as crazy as that lol


  6. Kenny

    jokes and fan service one second, deaths and head-shots the next. what’s the world coming to? Although, it may all turn out to be the details of events in future Lucy’s diary we are currently seeing.


  7. M.K.

    I personally believe that what levy wrote will not come to pass, because changing timelines would be almost impossible right, fairy tail lives off the impossible, i mean, look at the proof, they’ve survived etherion, be friended dragons, defeated sabertooth, survived acnologia’s wrath(sry I don’t know how to spell his name), and natsu has survived zeref’s uncontrolled magic, if that’s not impossible, I don’t know what is!!! 😛


    1. Sunite

      Ill have to agree with you, however I do see some fault in that Fairy Tail are unbeatable, there HAS to be something that can defeat the undefeatables. And I think there is, a hord of dragons themselves destroy both Fairy Tail as well as the country. I do want to see Levy’s future come true, because then we can have a current story that explains that most of Fairy Tail has died. Plus the author has gone into detail to mention about Levy’s story many times, it would be a shame for him not to make it real.


      1. M.K.

        True, but I still wouldn’t be surprised if fairy tail survived but if what levy wrote comes to pass then I still believe that fairy tail will survive because survivors will keep fairy tail going (probably gildarts cuz he may or may not be in the country)


    1. Sunite

      Hi 🙂 for you to change your picture, you’ll have to go to, you’ll have to enter the same email you use here and change the picture on gravatar website. Once that is done, you’re image here will also change 🙂 It may take a few minutes/hours to make it’s change. P.s. make sure it’s the exact email 🙂


  8. nakiyboy

    well i hope gray is being Kept alive i like him in fairy tail but hiro could also just be trolling us like with lisanna killed her before the anime started and then saying she didn’t die she was just send
    off too another world but with gray i don’t think it is his ice magic because of the blood hiro must be thinking of something else mabye he just want to kill gray and if not then it is to keep us readers reading in your’s and mine excitement but i am only guessing nothing more i can do


    1. Sunite

      Agreed completely, he’s an awesome character, he’s been at a dying point many times but hasn’t yet, except now. Hopefully we see more of this during next week’s episode instead of moving to another part of the story.


    1. nakiyboy

      well let’s see here first things first he got shot 1 in the head and about 7-8 times in the chest he isn’t immortal like Eclair but pleas do type your side of the story why he could survive.

      note and yes i realize that anything can happen in anime and manga like some crazy stuff for example resurrection.


  9. nakiyboy

    well we would have to see i have been brain storming for awhile on the thing about gray being dead hiro could be thinking of killing gray and then replacing him another character but i think many people would not want that then again ultear could be the one to resurrect him from the dead by sacrificing herself maybe that’s what he want’s to do so ultear dies instead then there is also that kid meredy she had some kind of ability that connected the victim too herself if they got marked can’t rule out that it can’t save gray like with ultear when she stabbed herself with a knife and meredy saved her by putting that magic on ultear but we will just have to wait and see i for one can’t wait to see if gray dies or lives as long they don’t switch to another story.
    and then another thing where in the hell did mavis go could she be the one to save gray from death?


  10. Skrili

    I’m just gonna state something that i think might happen ultear has control over time right or age or whatever it is. she thinks she doesn’t deserve to live maybe she exchanges her life for that of grays.


    1. nakiyboy

      yes exactly just as i said she maybe will do that or something else but if she tries to do that i think meredy will try to stop her but anyway we will have to see.

      ps nice said champ 😉


  11. Lisa

    Chapter 334 made me die a little inside ! I was like reading it about three times before I accepted the fact he got hit..not his ice clones for sure! Umm I forgot whats Ultears magic again?


  12. nakiyboy

    lost magic time magic she have the ability to change time of objects and anything except people and read the new chapter not gonna say what happen but i got happy again. 🙂


  13. M.K.

    The only death that I am truly worried about is acnologia’s because, I’m sure seven dragon slayers can take out 6 high powered dragons cuz all the dragon slayers are extremely high powered(maybe not Wend, she does more of the heal and subtle damage scene) but if acnologia shows up, it’s all over because acnologia could take them all out with one blow, and someone might have to use that Magic that ur used against deliora, sry I forgot the name


    1. nakiyboy

      and another thing from Gray’s point of view he will never use ice shell again after Natsu stopped him when he was about to do it on leon and deliora so if we are taking about that then it is impossible then there is leon maybe he will do it if gray don’t want to.


    1. M.K.

      First of all: I usually read the manga from some apps, manga reader or manga finder, if its not there I go to a website,
      And no gray doesn’t die, ultear saves him and everyone else who dies


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