Hayate Gekko’s Resurrection – Naruto Shippuden 307

Hayate Gekko attacks Yugao Uzuki Hayate Gekko revived Hayate Gekko dead Kabuto watches on Hayate defends himself Gaara near transformation Gaara youngerNaruto Shippuden 307 covers a specific story surrounding the character of Hayate Gekko, he’s recently been brought back using the Edo Tensei, he’s story is recapped as Kabuto tells him things which highlights him, he’s death has also been shown. He’s mission from Kabuto is to obtain the scroll which has a number of elite Shinobi’s which can serve Kabuto during the war.

Naruto Shippuden 307 begins as a number of already injured soldiers start dying from a number of different sorts of injuries from the enemies. Everyone is seen also trying to see if they can save anyone, they keep on fighting with all they’ve got towards the enemy. Kabuto mentions that it’s time to begin, he brings forth Hayate Gekko, who asks what has happened.

Kabuto begins to tell him that it’s a war which is going on, there are multiple bodies all around them who have died, he’s been alone working there in order to help with the war. He begins to tell a story to what happened in the past during the matches. He goes on to talk to Baki, he mentions that before he gives him the plans, he wants to see how Gaara really is, as he wants to use Gaara to fight Sasuke.

After they stop talking they notice how the fight is going, Dosu Kinuta from the Sound is seen talking to Gaara, which is quickly angered, he quickly transforms into a form which is seen during the fight when Gaara fought Naruto and Sasuke. He completely destroys him after Gaara is seen getting a little out of control.

During all of this Hayate Gekko is hearing all of this, he even finds out that the one tailed is also there. He hears everything there is to, he also deactivates his mirage and tries to escape, but at this point he makes a noise which both Kabuto and Baki notice, they mention that they will take care of it, but Baki goes to fight him. At this point Kabuto keeps on explaining more of whats happening in the current place. Kabuto also gave Baki the plans which he intended to give to him.

We notice that at Sasuke’s camp there is a personnel which uses her skills in order to trap the elite soldiers in her scroll, she uses this in order to make sure that the elite soldiers are not taken by the other people especially Kabuto, thus they don’t get Edo Tensei. Baki and Hayate fight, one keeps on pushing the other.

They seem to be even until Hayate uses his sword, it gets trapped within Baki’s gear, this time it’s Baki’s turn, he mentions that his sword was sharp but not effective enough, he then uses his own type of wind sword which horribly cuts Hayate Gekko, through tout this Kabuto is watching on. He then uses it even further to strike him whilst his in the air. He’s leaf there where Kabuto wants to get him for his Edo Tensei.

Other people approach, saying that they heard noises so want to know whats happening, they notice Kabuto, he mentions that he’s only passing by, they ask a few questions but move on, he was able to collect some hair samples which is required for him to do the Edo Tensei. Kabuto keeps on explaining that it’s still around.

He then brings more human bodies, he uses his Edo Tensei to bring two other members back to life, he places his tags on them allowing him to control them. He will be used in order to bring something back for him, all three of them will be used for this purpose. At the camp, we see Yugao Uzuki asked by another member why she doesn’t go to fight in the war, she mentions that she can no longer do this because of her personal reason, she’s called to the tent when there’s an explosion.

Everyone goes towards it when they notice three of them, with Hayate Gekko being one of them. They appear to be taking the scroll, Yugao Uzuki notices him, Hayate also notices her, Sakura seems to also know he is. They try to get the scroll back but the two shinobi’s are just too powerful for them to handle, they defeat and kill some members and escape, at this point Yugao and Hayate look at each other.

Sakura and some other members are told to go after them, Yugao is also told to go after them. Message is also assigned to be sent to HQ to tell them to send more enforcement so they can help out. Yugao mentions that she’s not able to go because the man they were looking at, Hayate was her lover! Naruto Shippuden 307 ends here.

A somewhat useless filler, I expect the next episode to be the same. I just can’t wait for next week’s episode to be the same. The only good thing about this episode which I saw was probably the new opening and ending. Nevertheless, next week’s Naruto Shippuden 308, titled “Night of the Crescent Moon”, will be about Hayate and Yugao and their past love.

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