Daily Anime Art Update #3

Hello everyone, Sunite here. It’s been a really long time since I last wrote an update for this blog. I have been meaning to write something like this for the longest time now since Daily Anime Art began seeing small changes around last year. Just so you know, the blog isn’t going anywhere, it is still here and will be here, just changing a few things to match my current lifestyle.

So, I should explain that when Daily Anime Art first began, I had a lot of time to post and write about the things I loved, which was anime. But as time went on, school and university got in the way and hurt the blog quite a bit in terms of getting content out there. It’s now more than 6 years of daily content, with nearly 2,700 posts altogether, of which has been viewed nearly 21.3 million times!

It’s been a long time coming for me and the blog, but it’s now impossible for me to write daily for the blog since the quality of posts that I’m producing aren’t satisfactory that even my standards. I like writing good and informative posts similar to how I used to before, but the past couple of months, I have been tired and bored of the types of posts, as well as the anime’s I used to write about that I no longer enjoyed writing about them, thus just pointed out my opinions in the posts until the next episode.

That carried on till I even missed writing about the episodes or manga chapters until I actually found time, which was generally a couple of days after. The problem with all of this is time. I need time to write meaningful posts which actually matter and will get readers to respond back, which I why I write here. Everyday, I have the expectation to write a post, even if it’s just an image being featured to reviewing an anime episode or manga chapter. I like doing this, but time is very restrained now since I have been working for the past year now.

My job isn’t your typical 9-5 job, I work in a lab which covers a 24/7 basis meaning that I can work long hours, short hours, even at night and weekends. So it’s hard for me to get any meaningful time to write when I also try to have my own social life, work life and everything in the middle.

That is why I am completely changing the way I blog, I am moving away from daily blogging to enable me to spread out my time properly that also allows me to write more lengthy and meaningful posts which I can spend more than one day on. If I can find time to post daily, I will, otherwise this will now be the only way I can post on the blog without sacrificing time for something else.

If you have any questions or anything else that you’d like to talk about, please post it in the comment section below. I’m hoping that this won’t have a big impact on the blog, but that seems to have already occurred as about 60% of the daily views I used to get from a year ago till now have disappeared.

There are 7 comments

  1. dreager1

    I think that definitely makes sense. Quality over quantity and all that. Better for you to write a solid post once a week then to just throw something out there every day. Congrats on the lab position though. I remember when you were still studying in college and that feels so long ago. I can definitely see why you’re always so busy since the lab is open that 24 hours. Sounds really fun though since it’s such a unique position. I look forward to the posts you churn out in the future.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. nickdunnaquatic

    I’m glad your doing great Sunite. And I don’t mind one bit if you change the way you blog. It if suits you better than that’s fine by me. I would rather read a list that’s written very detailed once or twice a week instead of rushed posts every other day of the week. Keep up the good work!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Jalebi

    I made 2 comments when I was younger on one of your blogs but I made the comments using my real full name and have privacy concerns and do not know how to delete it so I was wondering if you can delete the comments for me please 🙂 I would really appreciate it


      1. Jalebi

        hi it’s the two comments under your post : Ultear’s Time Ark Last Ages! Gray’s Alive – Fairy Tail 335

        Sorry for the late reply and thank you for removing them !!!

        I think that the main fairytail characters. Should stay alive and gray should stay alive I’m so glad that he does not die because it would not be the same without him so they did a good job keeping him alive

        I was so sad at the beginning when I find out that we was about to die and if was literally crying but now I’m happy that he is alive thank you so much”


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