Yhwach’s Defeat?! Original Zangetsu – Bleach 684

Bleach 684 see’s Yhwach against Ichigo, Aizen as well as Uryu as Ichigo uses his current Zangetsu as well as his previous older original Zangetsu in order to potentially defeat Yhwach. Uryu and Aizen have given Ichigo the chance and opened ways for Ichigo to be able to fight against Yhwach even if he’s the strongest member there as Uryu’s arrowhead temporarily disabled Yhwach abilities for a moment.

Bleach 684 begins as Ichigo strikes Yhwach, he quickly transforms into a liquid like form which falls to the ground. Aizen approaches Ichigo as he thanks him for responding quickly to his Kyoka Suigetsu. Ichigo already felt the strange feeling when Aizen also had everyone under his control a while ago.

Aizen mentions that he released Kyoka Suigetsu before he arrived, furthermore he confirmed that it messes with The Almighty. The final component was Ichigo as he’s unaffected by Kyoka Suigetsu. Aizen is surprised that not showing Ichigo Kyoka Suigetsu would have paid off like this. As he is about to say something, Yhwach covers everything around him with his black form.

Aizen is quickly covered and stopped from doing anything that would affect him. Yhwach mentions that Kyoka Suigetsu’s effect appears to have ended. Yhwach asks Ichigo if he really thinks that something like a Getsuga Tensho would be able to kill him. His power is the power to alter the future itself.

He can even rewrite the future itself, thus he shall rewrite the way he dies. Ichigo goes on to use his Zangetsu once more but Yhwach uses his powers to blow it away. Ichigo goes to retrieve it but Yhwach’s black matter gets there first and touches and begins to cover Ichigo’s body quickly. It covers Ichigo as well as the whole of Soul Society.

Yhwach mentions that he shall end this, he world and Soul Society. As he’s about to say something else, A arrow arrives and strikes Yhwach from the back, it seems that Uryu has launched the arrowhead given to him by Ryuken. Yhwach doesn’t understand that it is, he asks what it is. We learn that the silver that forms as a result of Auswahlen is referred to as still silver.

With it mixed with someone who has activated their own Auswahlen can just for an instant stop their power. This is exactly what happens to Yhwach as his abilities and powers quickly halt giving Ichigo the chance to get Zangetsu and begin his strike back at Yhwach. Uryu shouts at Ichigo to quickly go!

Yhwach mentions that there is no use, he was able to stop the power for an instant, but it won’t do anything. Uryu can already see Yhwach re-obtain his power once again, he quickly thinks that it’s useless. Ichigo strikes a broken Zangetsu, to which it breaks even further to open way for Ichigo’s original Shikai Zangetsu!

Yhwach realises that what he saw during his dream was in fact a glimpse of the future, he thought it was a dream that Haschwalth was showing him, but in fact the future. From this point of, we see that Ichigo is able to land a critical strike upon Yhwach, it slices Yhwach in two. Bleach 684 ends here.

A magnificent chapter, Ichigo seems to have gotten a critical and potentially final hit on Yhwach that it could end this fight. I honestly think that this might be the final blow Ichigo can land to stop Yhwach. This could be Yhwach’s defeat. Anyways, I honestly, can’t wait for next week’s Bleach 685, which could be the final Bleach chapter! What do you guys think, go ahead and comment down below.

Dont forget to also vote on if you think Yhwach has been defeated by Ichigo or not.

There are 30 comments

  1. Uchiha

    Im a little confused like how did Ichigo bankai change into its Shikai form? And which shikai form was it? The original from the first episode or the one mixed with the fullbring powers?


    1. Sunite

      I’d like to believe that as Ichigo’s powers have been taken away from him by Yhwach, whilst his his zanpakuto was still intact it remained in the new form. However, when it fully broke, his current power (one after it was taken) took part here and was shown in his shikai form. (Not sure if fully makes sense but it’s the current theory I’m going with)


  2. nickdunnaquatic

    What a rushed ending. Oh well. Yhwach is probably defeated, and Aizen will be the next Soul King. By that I mean basically be imprisoned like the previous one against his will.


  3. Ultimate Coordinator

    Yhwach talking about a future where all Bankai are broken, when Aizen’s Shikai was enough to defeat him at his best Lmao. Wish we got Aizen’s Bankai to end it all. One of my fav series if not my fav, rushed & ending now :(((

    Liked by 1 person

    1. nickdunnaquatic

      Not really. Granted, Aizen’s illusions played a vital role, but without Ichigo’s Bankai, Aizen couldn’t have defeated Yhwach on his own. That much is clear.


      1. Ultimate Coordinator

        Actually yes, Aizen alone could’ve defeated Yhwach. Ichigo literally waited for Aizen to give him an opening. Aizen could’ve just created an illusion & stabbed Yhwach in the back like Ichigo just did, oe like Aizen to Halibel. On top of that his reiastu was at its lowest since all those binds were still on him, so he wasn’t at full power like Yhwach. If only we could have seen his Bankai.


        1. nickdunnaquatic

          That’s not true. Aizen told Yhwach thanks for releasing the binds. The ones he’s wearing now don’t mean anything. He is at full power. And no Aizen couldn’t have just stabbed Yhwach, that isn’t enough to defeat someone as powerful as Yhwach. Ichigo stabbed him and used a Bankai enhanced Getsuga Tensho to injure him. So it took the combined effort of Ichigo, Aizen, and Uryu to defeat Yhwach. That’s far more realistic than what your saying. Bleach is being rushed, Aizen’s Bankai will just be unknown like so many others.


          1. Ultimate Coordinator

            Yhwach broke the chair not binds. Shunsui clearly stated that the binds were meant to keep Aizen’s reiastu at a low, if he was at full power he would have been far more effective. Ichigo just used a normal weaker slash, not a Getsuga (didn’t shout it like usual & there’s no black reiastu coming out). Aizen’s abilities & power is far more dangerous to Yhwach than Yhwach is to Aizen that much was clear. Would’ve been better fight had it not been rushed obv.


            1. nickdunnaquatic

              If Aizen really could take on Yhwach by himself, he would have. But he didn’t. He instead waited for Ichigo to injure him. You did see the last page of the previous chapter right? Ichigo used Getsuga Tensho and that’s what injured Yhwach. Aizen’s powers are dangerous against Yhwach, but Yhwach’s powers are also dangerous against Aizen. Especially considering that Aizen can’t even seem to injure Yhwach on his own.


              1. Ultimate Coordinator

                Why would Aizen fight Yhwach on his own when Ichigo & Renji r coming after him, makes no sense to do all the work. Ichigo’s Bankai broke & the old Zangestu came, thats all I saw. Aizen can’t injure Yhwach? Really?


                1. nickdunnaquatic

                  I honestly don’t believe Aizen can injure Yhwach to the point where he can damage him as badly as Ichigo did with his Bankai. So you should really stop saying Aizen can take on Yhwach by himself because the chapters have shown he clearly cannot.


  4. trinin ninja

    This chapter was ok in my book. knocking the rushed plot, some good panels were shown like that panel where we see ichigo’s eyes and we can almost feel his resolve. The explanation that Aiizen gave made sense and the dream finally came true after all those chapters ago. But what I don’t get is why did Haschwalth say that no matter what they would fall when it turns out that he saw the future in which Yhwach is defeated? And what exactly happened to Aizen? It’s obvious that this series was rushed. Also, that bit about the arrowhead seems pretty bs to me. Just think about it: a godlike being, who is able to transform worlds, had his powers stopped by an arrowhead that was created by him technically since he stole the powers he gave to someone. Well anyway I can totally see yhwach having some sort of deep philosophical speech in the upcoming chapters.

    P.S. It looks like Yhwach doesn’t bleed when he is mixed with mimihagi.

    P.P.S. Still cant believe that Yhwach unintentionally creates an arrowhead when he uses his power to take back the powers of a quincy. And this arrowhead is capable of stopping him for an instant…..


  5. nickdunnaquatic

    Yhwach didn’t unintentionally create that arrowhead. Auswählen apparently kills chosen Quincy by creating silver inside the heart of the Quincy, causing a blood clot that kills them. That only happens when the Quincy don’t have their flash stripped away like Robert and Gerard. Auswählen is very inconsistent. Ryuken did a post biopsy on Katagiri and extracted the silver in her heart that killed her to form an arrowhead.


    1. Trinin ninja

      So yhwach intentionally created that silver blood clot Also, yhwach being surprised didn’t make sense. How could uryu sneak on him when he could see the future?


  6. Dashing Saiyan

    If I am not wrong yhwach saw this dream of ichigo slashing him with zangetsu shikai a few chapters back when ichigo and orihime were walking towards him in their earlier fight. Surprised that it came true in this chapter. Still not sure what happened to Aizen was he killed or absorbed? ?? Still it looked like a rushed ending…..



    Let me just say, I am satisfied with the way Yhwach was defeated, because I was thinking he would have been defeated in some kind of “Nakama” way like in Fairy Tail, which I would hate to see. So that is why I’m relived to see end like this, it was one of those “the window is open, so strike while you have the chance”. sort of thing.


    Tell me, doesn’t it seem like it was done in a rush, like I’m aware of the popularity ranking in Manga right now, and Bleach isn’t at the top right now, so to me that looks like JUMP just asked to finish Bleach quickly (But I do hope that means also, “you end it quickly and what you don’t put in, we will put it in the returning Anime”, hopefully I would love to see it come back)


  8. Cade

    That part of Tensa Zangetsu turning into the original Zangetsu Shikai confused me? Can someone simplify it for me in an Autistic explanation? I’m seriously confused.


    1. Tom

      Remember how Yhwach took away Ichigo’s powers a few chapters back well actually only took away his Quincy and Hollow powers mixed with it. So, he only had his Shinigami powers left (with the possible exception of his hollow powers merged with his zanpakuto) so when Orihime rejected Ichigo’s Zangestu from breaking, the outer shell of his “True Bankai.” was also fixed, Yhwach broke that shell and all that remained was Ichigos original Zangestu with no Quincy interference and most likely no Hollow interference as well.

      TL:DR Zangestu returned to its true form,


  9. dreager1

    Yeah..this ending is extremely rushed. Someone on mangastream made a list of open plot points and there are around 30-50 of them. Also, I didn’t like Aizen going down like that. Felt very anticlimactic and I have to say that he did prove that he’s still the best villain in the series. Yhwach should have also seen this future coming so I’m calling plot hax here. Well, it’s been a good run, but most good things must come to an end at some point. Hopefully the final chapter is a lot of fun.


    1. nickdunnaquatic

      Actually, Yhwach did see this future, but barley. That’s why he mentions Jugram. Because when he was asleep, Jugram was using The Almighty and sent him the dream where Ichigo kills him with his old Shikai. Yhwach didn’t think anything of it because it was a incomplete. Which is because Jugram didn’t master The Almighty.


      1. dreager1

        It still doesn’t seem realistic based on how far ahead he could see. He even saw enough to rewrite the future (makes no sense) and brought himself back. He should have definitely seen the arrow. Granted, I always thought Bach was overhyped from the start though. If anything, I’d say that this chapter proves that Aizen could have beat him at any time and likewise for Ichigo if he had been at full power in Vasto Lorde form. Bach’s good with the future, but beyond that, he’s just another guy with the sword. It’s a shame that the series is ending next chapter though, everything’s going to be rushed. Hopefully it ends with Ichigo waking up from a dream and seeing that Aizen had him under a spell for all these years. It ends with Aizen on the throne and Ichigo heading over there to take him out once and for all. Now that’d be hype!


        1. nickdunnaquatic

          How does this prove Aizen or Ichigo can defeat Yhwach by themselves? Do do realize that Ichigo’s last Hollow form, the one where he uses Gran Rey Getsuga, is far more powerful than Vasto Lorde Ichigo, and he couldn’t do anything to Yhwach. Now Aizen is another story. His Kyoka Suigetsu can effect Yhwach, but it’s obvious by the last chapter that Aizen can’t fight Yhwach by himself. His illusions can only get him so far. Stabbing Yhwach can’t hurt him, and if Aizen could really fight Yhwach on his own, than he would have. But instead, he choose to help Ichigo. I personally don’t like that ending. Yhwach is pure evil, but so it Aizen and I find it hard to believe that Aizen will remain alive or threatening. Aizen was consumed by Yhwach’s Mimihagi’s shadows. So he is either dead or he’s god like power is gone. I would prefer the latter because I would like to see Aizen freak out that he lost his God like powers. He’ll probably be the next Soul King, but he’ll be in the same position as the previous one. By that I mean the Royal Guard will seal him against his will and just use him for balance. I would like that because it will give what Aizen wants. He can finally be the Soul King, but he won’t have any say at all.


  10. trinin ninja

    If Yhwach dies and he absorbed the soul king, then everything is destroyed unless someone becomces the next soul king. I have a strange feeling that we’re going to see Tsukishima and Orihime show up very soon….


  11. trinin ninja

    I call a timeskip next chapter. It is the only way to end this manga series. Although I’m disappointed in the rushed plot, at least we found closure knowing what happened to the chair Aizen was stuck to.


  12. Christopher Waters

    I don’t think Aizen is dead but if he is he died in the same exact way that I said was the only way Yhwach could kill me that is if he is dead I need proof before I just say Aizen is dead OK this is how I see the whole sword thing. Before Ichigo’s powers were working together he had his 1 sword. He did not get his 2 new ones until all of his powers were working as one. So when Yhwach took away Ichigo’s Quincy powers he was left with just his soul reaper/hollow powers meaning the sword that represented his Quincy powers would be destroyed vanish etc…since the powers the sword represented were no longer there leaving Ichigo with his old sword that represented his soul reaper/hollow powers. Now I know Ichigo said his powers fused to make just 1 power but thats been retconned how many times now? 2 or 3 I think so this theroy is just as valid as any other.


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