Ishida Arrives! Mimihagi Torn Off – Bleach 619

Bleach 619 gets even better after Ishida arrives in aid of Yhwach to help prevent Yoruichi and Ichigo from interfering in the Quincy King’s will, this infuriates Ichigo that he just wants to kick his ass. While Ichigo is told that he has been controlled from the moment he gained his powers. Mimihagi, activated by Ukitake’s Kamikake, is being torn off from the body of the Soul King as we speak.

Bleach 619 begins as Yhwach tells Ichigo that he’s never thought of doing as he pleases to Ichigo, this is because his will is connected to Yhwach’s will. What he’s saying is that he’s always been fighting for him, from the moment he awakened his Shinigami powers, to defeating Aizen and reclaiming his power and so on till cutting down the Spirit King, he has done so because they share a will.

Yoruichi shouts telling Ichigo that it’s a trick and that he’s trying to confuse him. Yhwach can think of him pulling the string up until now, no matter what he thinks, everything he did was for Yhwach. It is because they both share the same blood. Ichigo strikes but is quickly blocked.

Ichigo tells him that he doesn’t give a shit about his Quincy blood, he said that he’s going to stop him. Yhwach reveals to Ichigo that he is his enemy yet he speaks of stopping him. For him not to say kill the man who murdered his mother, is his form of weakness.

Out of nowhere an arrow pierces through Yoruichi’s arm, we see a clear image of Ishida Uryu’s arrival! Ichigo gives him an intense look. They all look at him when the barrier placed on the Soul King breaks without an effort. Ishida is asked by Ichigo what his problem is. Yhwach puts his arm as he heads towards the Soul King as he blows Ichigo away!

Yoruichi tries to stop Yhwach with a set of balls, as she sends a second set of disintegrating balls, Yhwach calls for Parnkjas who appears behind Yoruichi and out of nowhere without doing a thing twists and turns Yoruichi’s arm to a point where her bones are nothing but crumbs.

Yoruichi is also pushed back as Orihime goes to help her out. Yhwach holds onto the eye of Mimihagi when Ichigo appears, Ishida launches an arrow to distract Ichigo as Yhwach begins to rip and tear Mimihagi from the body of the Soul King. It once again begins to crumble as Ichigo is pissed off at Ishida as for doing what he’s doing. Bleach 619 ends here!

A fantastic chapter, Ichigo and Ishida will most likely battle their way in here while Yhwach just rips the Soul King’s right hand into multiple pieces. Let’s see what happens here as Ichigo tries to crush Ishida for what he’s done. Can’t wait for next week’s Bleach 620!

There are 84 comments

    1. Nick Dunn

      It’s funny he attacked Yoruichi, he probably knows she can just shrug off his Heilig Pfeil, but the others? I’m not so sure.


    2. dreager1

      Hopefully the friends show no mercy. Uryu can easily beat Chad or Orihime, but I’m confident that Ichigo and Yoruichi can mop the floor with him without a whole lot of effort. Unfortunately, the ties of friendship are likely going to slow them down…


  1. Nick Dunn

    Looks like it’s gonna be Ichigo vs Uryu l. Which is a better fight than Ichigo vs Yhwach. At least he has a chance with Uryu. Man, Pernida Is Wearing Another hood? She is so mysterious. She really took out three of the strongest female Shinigami huh. Shutara, and now Yoruichi. Although I don’t believe Yoruichi is defeated. If Sui-Feng can fight without her left arm, Yoruichi can too.


  2. dreager1

    I really can’t stand Uryu and this chapter really shows why. Traitors are really the lowest of the low and I consider them to be worse than villains. I’m sure that Uryu will have a cushy explanation for this and that he’ll be one of the heroes by the end (Naruto styled twist) but I’m not going to buy it. He just crossed a line that cannot be uncrossed…he saved Bach from Ichigo.

    If this chapter didn’t prove that Ichigo is stronger than Bach…we’re going to have to wait 2+ months so see more proof along those lines. Bach’s “I planned everything” speech was pretty humorous and it made the chapter more fun. I think he seriously overrates his intellect though as it wasn’t much of a plan. He’s saying that Ichigo got stronger as part of his plan. It’s not so much planning, but just stating what Ichigo has done and adding his own context to it. Aizen’s was certainly more convincing.

    Would Yoruichi’s attack have destroyed Bach? I don’t think so as it didn’t look very impressive, but it’s still too bad that we didn’t get to see what it could do. Bleach is certainly heating up and I’m looking forward to seeing Ichigo completely annihilate (Capture…I don’t want him to literally destroy anyone) Uryu and lock him away for life. I also feel bad for Grand Fisher fans since the manga keeps trying to discredit his feat of taking out Ichigo’s mom and evading the Soul Society for decades. That guy was serious business back in the day!


    1. Bleach

      Ik Ahaa. Yhwach literally memorized Aizen’s speech to try to mess with Ichigo. Aizen was the one who planned for Ichigo to become who he is now. Yhwach’s power at Ichigo’s early years was barely active, doubtful he foresaw everything that happened like Aizen did for Ichigo. Mimihagi is seriously useless if it can be just pulled off like that.


      1. dreager1

        Agreed, I think Yhwach is just trying to disorient Ichigo and pressure him into making a bad decision. Aizen’s the one who did all of the actual planning. Mimihagi is definitely overrated and seriously not worth the hype so far. Getting yanked off like that is really sad. Imagine if Ichigo and friends had not been there. Ukitake would have sacrificed himself just to buy like 3 seconds before Bach just ripped it off. The heroes need some better defenses…


        1. Bleach

          Honestly where the hell are Urahara and all the Captains. They literally have to walk through a door and will appear in the Soul Palace in a second, horrible defence. Don’t think Ishida will be a tough fight for Ichigo, but Ichigo will make it hard for himself & hold back.


          1. dreager1

            Definitely, Ichigo should be leagues above Uryu in terms of power and ability at this point, but his friendship will make this an incredibly difficult fight. It’s going to be a little tough to watch to be honest. As for Urahara and the Captains……they’re probably just asking each other if they’re ready yet. They just can’t stop second guessing themselves.


            1. Nick Dunn

              Man no one likes Uryu huh? Everyone thinks he is weak. Well I dont. Uryu is alot smarter than Ichigo, and I liked how he kepted his cool when he fought Ulquiorra. He is much more mature than Ichigo ever was. Don’t understand Sternritter A.


              1. dreager1

                Yeah, his fanbase dwindles by the second. I actually liked him during the Aizen arc and before that. He started going down in Xcution when he was pitifully defeated by the villains and then his betrayal is what made me lose all respect for his character. More mature than Ichigo? Sorry, but traitors are always very immature.


                1. Nick Dunn

                  I say he is mature because he keeps his composure. Like when he fought Ulquiorra, he saw Ichigo was dead, yet he didn’t let that stop him from fighting. I doubt Uryu is a traitor. Jugram said part of the reason he joined was to revenge his mother Kanea Katagiri. So he has a plan, but he needs to put on a good show for Yhwach, Jugram, and Elite Guard.


                    1. dreager1

                      I like him more than the zombie girl and some of the other Quincy, but it’s not saying a whole lot since I don’t like almost all of them. Kubo was really reaching from the bottom of the barrell to get these new villains. I can see why it’s the final arc in that regard. Uryu reminds me of Rossiu from Gurren Lagann and that’s never a good thing.


        2. Nick Dunn

          Ya because Aizen knew all about the Quincy. Do ya’ll seem to forget that Yhwach is the father of all Quincy? He knows where all of them are. I think what he said was true.


          1. dreager1

            I think it was mostly hyperbole. He just stated facts that were public knowledge at this point and is putting his own spin on it. We know that Ichigo wasn’t simply seeking power because of his Quincy blood or Bach’s manipulations. He’s just trying to look impressive and failing epicly.


        3. Nick Dunn

          So everything that had happened in this war wasn’t planned by Yhwach? Really? No that’s straight up false. True Mimihagi isn’t that powerful, but your really go on a bad mouth it because someone as powerful as Yhwach is pulling it off? Common give Mimihagi some credit.


          1. dreager1

            Tell me…what credit does Mimihagi deserve? He should have at least been able to move a bit or at least be sentient enough to do something. Considering that he’s practically a “god” it’s embarassing how he looked here. Bach planned the war, that’s a given. He’s trying to say that he’s been planning things since before that like Ichigo obtaining so much power. That’s where I call hyperbole.


            1. Nick Dunn

              I mean Mimihagi has Jushiro as its body. But now he is just a spiritual being. Well why wouldn’t have Yhwach watched Ichigo? He is the only being that is half Shinigami and Quincy? Aizen watched him for his Shinigami and Hollow side. So it makes sense Yhwach watched him for his Quincy side.


              1. dreager1

                Bach watched him to be sure, but he didn’t plan for what Ichigo did. He’s simply backpedaling faster than Microsoft when they announced the Xbox One so that he looks brilliant. He could have just admitted that he just took action after witnessing Ichigo’s feats and deciding that it was time to strike. It wasn’t all some elaborate planning on his part…just luck and good adapting abilities.


      2. Nick Dunn

        The whole reason Aizen was interested in Ichigo was because his Vasto Lorde infected Masaki a Quincy. He had no idea what would happen, and he decided to keep an eye out for Isshin and Masaki. Yhwach has always known where all the Quincy are.


        1. Bleach

          We haven’t seen Ishida in that many battles so he has a lot to prove, where Ichigo has experience and trained with the Royal Guard. Ishida is strong (Letter A) for sure and smarter than Ichigo, but he won’t win. And ya Aizen knew about Yhwach and the quincies from the beginning, like Mayuri who warned Yamamoto about Ishida when he invaded. Aizen prob not interested in them when he was looking. Obviously Yhwach knew about Ichigo when he was a kid but he didn’t plan his life, Aizen did. Mimhagi should’ve been better fused something, it beats its purpose then. Have to wait and see now.


          1. Nick Dunn

            Actually Mayuri only heard about Yhwach, just like Isshin did with the Quincy folklore. Dude, when he saw Masaki take on White, he was so surprised and excited, I doubt the knew they were still around. I have faith Uryu will put a good fight against Ichigo. Probably use Vollständig.


    2. Nick Dunn

      It’s pretty obvious Yhwach is alot stronger than Ichigo. None of his Shikai attacks can even pierce his Blut Vene. While Ichibei was able to get though his defenses. But really Ichigo, what’s up with just using one Zangetsu? Dude use both!


      1. dreager1

        Ichigo doesn’t need both yet since he doesn’t need to go all out against Bach. Ichigo’s attacks can definitely pierce Vene and he would have killed Bach here if not for Uryu’s intervention. Ichigo’s certainly more powerful and the gap will only increase as the arc goes on.


        1. Nick Dunn

          Dude he used Getsuga Tensho at close range on Yhwach, and he is unharmed. Than he strikes his arm with a Getsuga Tensho and it didn’t do shit. Did you see Yhwach bleeding or anything? Nope. He is perfectly fine.


          1. dreager1

            As we stated though, Ichigo is barely trying at this point. He’s not even using his other sword. He’s just messing with Bach, causing the villain to doubt his goals and wonder why Ichigo won’t fall. Ichigo is as determined as he is brilliant and he knows the best way to fell an enemy. Bach’s days are numbered.


              1. dreager1

                Nah, it’s like how you’ll give yourself a handicap in a sports event if you’re a pro and are fighting high schoolers. It makes things a little more exciting, but you’re not doing it because you fear them. Ichigo fears nobody just like how I fear no one in Super Smash Bros.


                1. Nick Dunn

                  That’s so dump though. I understand completely, I’m a beast with Rosalina and Luma! But Ichigo is at his full power now. Why would he have a handicap now? That’s kinda dump. I believe he is actually trying to hurt Yhwach, and it’s just not working.


                  1. dreager1

                    It’s just the Shonen thing to do! Look at Goku in any of the DBZ films. He’ll fight without SSJ mode for quite a while to take a measure of the enemy’s strength and have some fun. Even in the latest Naruto film (Came to theaters over in NYC so I got to see the opening screening. Review coming soon….) Without mentioning any spoilers, Naruto opts to fight in his normal form for the whole film until the very end. Even though this put his village and all of his friends in danger, Naruto couldn’t be bothered to go all out. I find this to be pretty insane and I wish that he had gone all out from the beginning, but it’s just something that a lot of heroes who aren’t Luffy like to do.

                    Rosalina is a fun character to play as for sure. I’m a Fox main myself (Stuck with him since 64) but lately I’ve really been enjoying Lucina and Captain Falcon. Now I’m just awaiting Mewtwo as he’s going to instantly become one of my mains.


                    1. Nick Dunn

                      Ya I guess that makes sense. I consider Ichigo going all out when he uses Bankai not Shikai. But still.

                      Ya I can’t wait fr Mewtwo either! I’m good with Rob, Yoshi, Kirby, and Greninja,


      2. Bleach

        Lol ik, what’s the point of having 2 Zangestus just wasting it. Yhwach is stronger than Ichigo, but I have feeling like always he’s going to get some random OP form.


          1. Bleach

            His Bankai better be epic because if that’s the highest he goes, Yhwach will lose to hero quick. Better also see Shunsui and Urahara Bankai, but especially the God himself Aizen Bankai.


            1. Nick Dunn

              Nah I doubt Yhwach will lose to Ichigo in Bankai. He will probably only be able to injure him, but defeated him? Nah I don’t think so. Yhwach has Vollständig, Ichigo doesn’t stand a chance.


  3. Satouf

    Ywach is playing with itchigo n provoking him to lose his cool.
    Ishida will keep him away from Ywach.
    Ishida is much calm n collected then itchigo. Itchigo is more mussel n Ishida is more brain.


    1. Nick Dunn

      Yup that’s basically it. That’s why Yoruichi was telling him to stop listening to him. She has alot of experience in fighting. During her fight against Aizen with Kisuke and Isshin, she ignored him and just talked back to him when Aizen stoke to them


  4. warmate emmanuel

    yhwach planned everything even ichigo’s power let’s not forget zangetsu is yhwach from a thousand years ago so he was inside ichigo watching everything and planning for this moment,ishida is stronger than he ever was because yhwach gave him his blood to drink,gave him schrift A and I believed he now has more knowpedge on quincy techniques plus now he’s much cooler than he was…..uryu ishida-kun is my favorite bleach character and he would give ichigo a run for his money because from season 1 he has been regarded and looked down upon as a villain but now we would get to know the effect of the almighty on him…I also don’t believe we have seen mimihagi’s true powers


    1. Nick Dunn

      That’s how his powers work. Yhwach’s Schrift is in all Quincy, even the Quincy that don’t have Schrift like Ichigo, Masaki, Ryuken, and Katagiri.


  5. shinobi

    All this is Ichigo‘s fault,he could have cleared the battlefield already with his bankai, he has the strongest hollow powers and hence cqn kick all of the quincies arses.He is just playing around with his shikai, I even think he might be holding back.If Ywach cant see Ichigo‘s attacks then it means Ichigo has already surpased him, I dont think Uryu can do shit.Ichigo defeated Aizen with a fake sword, so technically speaking his bankai currently must be kick ass with twice the speed and one heck of a getsunga tenshou.Maybe his reatsu alone is enough to blow away the SK palace, coz the only explanation we ever got for Yama-ji never using his reatsu was it could destroy Soul Society. Think the same applies here.


  6. shinobi

    All this is Ichigo‘s fault,he could have cleared the battlefield already with his bankai, he has the strongest hollow powers and hence can kick all of the quincies arses.He is just playing around with his shikai, I even think he might be holding back.If Ywach cant see Ichigo‘s attacks then it means Ichigo has already surpased him in power levels. I dont think Uryu can do shit.Ichigo defeated Aizen with a fake sword, so technically speaking his bankai currently must be kick ass with twice the speed and one heck of a getsunga tenshou plus many more attacks.Maybe his reatsu alone is enough to blow away the SK palace, coz the only explanation we ever got for Yama-ji never using his bankai was it could destroy Soul Society. Think the same applies here.


    1. Nick Dunn

      I honestly don’t know where his came from. Just because you have Hollow powers doesn’t mean you can defeat a Quincy. That’s so stupid. If that was true, how come Uryu defeated Cirucci? Or Masaki defeated White? Or Qulige defeated the Tres Beasties and Ayon? Just because Ichigo has Hollow powers doesn’t mean he can win. I honestly don’t know why he hasn’t gone Bankai. His Shikai can’t even injure Yhwach.


  7. rahmaru

    i don’t think Mimihagi has been fully torn off by Juhabach, if it is, it makes Ukitake sacrificed himself for nothing, even he at least gave some time for others to defeat Juhabach…and Pernida’s ability is freaking scary yet i still don’t understand how her power relate to The Compulsory…also Sado and Shiba are so pretty useless, i don’t see how they can help in this situation….wonder why the other shinigami taking lot of time to arrive at Royal Palace when they only need to pass through the door…lastly, what the hell the Captains of Royal Guard doing right now??? please don’t tell me all of you are finished, if that case, all of you disgraced your reputation as shinigami that supposedly to protect Soul King since the only sternritter that been defeated by them is The Wind guy…


      1. rahmaru

        sure they being revived but looks like the four captains of RG didn’t doing their best to protect Soul King…
        forget about Juhabach, are they really thought that them could beat Juha with their power which they couldn’t even defeat the elite guard


        1. Nick Dunn

          I believe they could. That’s why Yhwach had his Elite Guard take then on. They only used Shikai not Bankai so I’m not surprised they lost.


          1. rahmaru

            that is what i’m trying to say…why they(except for Hyosube) did not go all out like using their bankai, when Soul King lives defends on the result of their fight??? if Ukitake did not step up to call up Mimihagi, the Soul Society, Human World, and Hueco Mundo are gone already…


            1. Nick Dunn

              I don’t know. I believe it’s because they thought they were just fighting Yhwach. And than the Elite Guard showed up. I’m assuming the Royal Guard was founded 1000 years ago by Ichibei, after the first blood war was finished, and Shutara and Oetsu were the first members. Than later Tenjiro and Kirio join. I believe that’s the same time Yhwach chose his Elite Guard. Which is pretty obvious was first Pernida, Lille, And Gerard. Than for some reason, Askin was promoted. Maybe they didn’t think they need Bankai of all four of them fought Yhwach. But now they really do need it.


  8. AJ

    Y’all just need to chill and wait..there is a reason why kubo is making all these characters sit for a bit. It should give the readers somewhat of an intense build up. I’m pretty sure we will know the eliteritters abilities soon. I think yoruichi will come back for Pernida because she even maid a statement about “what is this power”. I still think Yoruichi has a CheshireCat Zan..maybe pernida actually has to see her target to whisper or compulse it since when you read the chapter it zooms up to her glowing eye. You guys just need to wait a little more longer; I know its frustrating.


    1. Nick Dunn

      I believe the Royal Guard are healing and waiting for the right time to strike. Pernida Has an Interesting Ability. The Compulsory is like telekinesis. Whatever she focuses on, the target gets crumpled to pieces. The name of her Schrift is called Complsive Execution. Complsive by definition is something bend by will or law you cannot stop it no matter what. Like a Complsive eater will always eat. She can manipulate anything she focuses on. It doesn’t always have to be a person, she can manipulate objects as well. Like when she destroyed the Cage of Life. If anything, Yoruichi Will Come Back later. And she will have cut her arm off. Or Orihime can heal her.


  9. Steve O

    So Uryu & pernida finally show up..uryu blindsides Yoruichi & then pernida shows what a Punk ass Bitch she/it is & attacks Yoruichi from behind!!! Way 2 go sternritters!


    1. Nick Dunn

      I mean that’s awesome! Zaraki, Aizen, Shunsui, and Kisuke are really the only ones that can and should come up there. Everyone else will just be in the way.


  10. Josephia Jeremiah Bhwanah

    Wow! i really enjoyed reading your comments guys, i really liked that Kubo has finally decided to bring Uryu in the mix, i was beginning to get bored with the way Kubo made Uryu just stand ther while Yhwach’s is fighting his friends & he was just ther doing nothing as if he wasn’t even ther & his friends also where soo busy caught up with Yhwach ignoring even the fact that he was there, with Yhwach, fighting against them..This was just bad writing on Kubo’s part, but now that he is in the mix, i guess i’ll let it slide..with that been said, let me get on into the few things that u guys have discussed…first, i think Ichigo Vs Ishida as a rather better making than Yhwach Vs Ichigo just yet since its clear as day that Yhwach is still too much for Ichigo…& dont get me wrong guys when i say this but i still think Ichigo will have his hands full against Ishida, if only Ichigo wasn’t a protagonist of this story i’ll would have even put my coin on Ishida to win this battle, & for a simple reason really, when characters almost have the same power levels which im assuming they r(Ishida with schrift A & the new improved Ichigo), i always tend to go for the intelligent one, & lets face it guys Ishida is waaaaaay smarter & clever than Ichigo ever will be, but thats just me, but either way, Ichigo Vs Uryu is rather better stepping stone for Ichigo if ever hopes to defeat Yhwach, i think Ichigo will come out alot stronger out of it, atleast then after, it wont be a shocker for me now if he will defeat Yhwach then, but not the way things stand now…& also i too had my doubts lyk dreager1 that Yhwach(If not Kubo) may be abit over-reaching when he said that he planned everything abt Ichigo being stronger & all but warmate emmanuel comment shade some light on that…Aizen also didnt plan for Ichigo to be strong, more like he was just keeping close eye on him if u ask me, i’ll take Yhwach’s word that he was planning for Ichigo to be strong as he is more than Aizen’s since Aizen clearly didnt plan for it thou he claimed that he did(he was jst being boastful abt the whole thing), but he was more like keeping a close eye on how the hollow white(his creation) transformation will turn out to be inside Ichigo…Ichigo Vs Ishida, cant wait for this to unfold, eagerly waiting for the next chapter


    1. Nick Dunn

      Interesting stuff! 😉 Ya I can’t wait for this fight Ichigo vs Uryu! I still don’t believe Ichigo can defeat Yhwach. I do want to see the full extent of these characters. And I also agree that Uryu is close to Ichigo’s power like you said. And while Ichigo has better durability and stamina, but like you also said, Uryu is more intelligent and he has a great hold on his composure. For Yhwach’s speech, it is not the same as Aizen’s. Aizen planned his growth and to watch his Hollow and Shinigami powers. Yhwach is saying he allowed Ichigo to do what he needed to do to gain his true strength, because it will benefit him. He is the father of the Quincy, Ichigo’s Shinigami powers are also his Quincy. Yhwach could have stolen his powers whenever he wanted. But he chose not to.


  11. Taicho Munaita

    I think Kubo made it obvious…..Juha said Ishida can develop a power greater than his, and when Ishida drank the schrift, it was done….his powers were to start developing. Ishida is just acting up and will be the one to fight Yhwach……together with ichigo….like Sasuke and Naruto.


    1. Nick Dunn

      That’s a possibility. They would have a way better chance fighting Yhwach together than separate. Although, unlike Sasuke and Naruto, Uryu is not on their side, he is clearly undercover. I would like to add Orihime in the mix too.


  12. shinobi

    Well if you didn‘t read the part where Urahara said hollow powers can poison a quincy, and also the clear fact that they invaded Heuco Mundo first despite them having beef with SS.Even if you are that thick, everyone knows that superman has an indestructible skin yet a kryptonite pin can literarry kill him.If Ichigo channels his Kuroi getsunga like in his fight with Ulquiorra and then stabs Ywach will see if he survives or Ichigos full cero in Vasto form . I dont remember any quincy who got stabbed by a hollow surviving.Those hollows in Heuco Mundo are a bunch of weaklings hence you cant expect them to kill a quincy.Besides Ichigo is past vasto lorde level or else why would Ywach say Ichigo is the only one who can stop him? Also Ishida is most probably a back up plan since Ichigo cant kill his friend and Ywach is counting on that.


    1. Nick Dunn

      Yes powers. He never said a Hollow cab always defeat a Quincy. Do you know what power means? It means Reiyoku. If a Hollows Reiyoku enters a Quincy’s Reiyoku, they will be poisoning to them. But sense when do Arrancar fight using Reiyoku to infect others? They don’t, they fight like Shinigami and admit Reiatsu. Hell, even a tiny portion of Hollow Reiyoku cab hurt a Quincy, but not kill them. BG9 was paralyzes momentarily, Cang due was slashed, and Bambietta and As Nodt just lost the Bankai they had. So ya, just because you have Hollow powers doesn’t mean you can defeat a Quincy. I don’t remember Yhwach saying Ichigo was the only one that can stop him. I only remember him saying what’s the point in Ichigo Trying To Stop him.


  13. Josephia Jeremiah Bhwanah

    Thats very perceptive of you Taicho Munaita, i also see the possibility of that playing out, & wont it make a load of sense?! i mean, Yhwach himself admitted that Uryu has the potential of surpassing even him, im not saying that he is ther yet since we clearly seen what he can really do but its only right if he plays a major role in Yhwach’s downfall


    1. Nick Dunn

      Interesting opinion. I believe Aizen is the wannabe, and Yhwach is the God. Aizen is only close to a god from the Hogoyku. Yhwach Has Always Been A God.


        1. Nick Dunn

          What do you mean? Yhwach is a god. He is not like all Quincy. His Schrift is about seeing the future, making all abilities against him useless. He can power up Quincy by making them stronger. He can unlock a Quincy’s full potential with his Soul. He can take their power a away and revive fallen Quincy. He can steal the power of other spiritual beings and make them his own. I think he is a god. But that’s just me.


  14. AJ

    So this has nothing to do with bleach lol..well kind of but what is everyone’s zodiac sign? I’m just very curious. And am I the only one who thinks Kenpachi will fight Gerard and struggle a bit because of what gremmy and the girls did but all together use his bankai? And also I really think Orihime will fight Pernida..its just Pernida seems to disrupt and crumple shit into oblivion without really doing anything physical.. While orihime rejects and restores the object back into whatever it was without being physical. So kubo really needs to do something with orihine, ganju/ginjo( what the hell is his name) and Chad ?. Because I am REALLY getting tired of reaction fuckin help or something.


    1. Nick Dunn

      I’m a Pisces. Cause my birthday was March 16th. I think in the future Zaraki will fight Gerard, but I see him losing. Sure he can use Nozorashi and his eye patch can be removed, but he needs Bankai. Whether he is motivated or not.


  15. AJ

    Really lol. I’m a Scorpio November 3rd. The thing is if he actually has a bankai? Or maybe Yachiru will help her daddy out with her bankai?!!


  16. Josephia Jeremiah Bhwanah

    So, Ichigo hasn’t gone bankai till now even thou the situation demands that of him, how mature of him, he finally has it in him now to atleast hold it & relie mostly on his shikai, clearly squad zero did a number on him during his training, & people still take them for granted simply because they got defeated by the Elite sternritter & Yhwach himself, even after finding out that Yhwach actually is the son of the soul king which in my book that makes him second strongest character in bleach second to the “Soul king”(i still think he is the most powerful despite his down showing, but for a being whose death causes the three worlds to fall in ruins, i can only imagine)..& this talk about whose a wanna be god in bleach, i think Aizen made that pretty clear from the very beginning that he is a wannabe god, while on the otherhand Yhwach is a bad version of jesus( he is a god, he has always been, he myt as wel have been the upcoming soul king)..& if there is anything to learn in the battle btn the squad zero Vs Yhwach + Elite sternritters is not that the squad zero where weak but rather the quincies r jst too powerful & most of all Yhwach as it has been seen since the very beginning of this arc & the only reason the soul reapers r going to win this battle regardless is because they r Soul reapers(the good guys)..The Royal guard made Ichigo, Renji, Rukia Byakuya even stronger at their stay at the Soul palace, & even after Ichigo attained his new powers & trained with the royal guard & later Kirio Hikifune commended Ichigo becoming even stronger, Ichibei still said he has a long way to go…If the ther is anything to pick out from this is that squad zero r still powerful & have an even better understanding of their own strength, as wel as experience…Ichigo is powerful but i dont believe he is the most powerful just yet, the only reason he appears that way is because he is a protagonist in this story, clearly he has raw potential with him being shinigami & a hollow & a quincy at the same time, he has the potential of being the strongest given time but i dont think he is there yet even with his new bankai, i just dont see him as the strongest currently, same can be said to Zaraki & Toshiro, they just lack that completeness if u ask me, guys like Ichibei, Yamamoto, Shunsui, Unohana, Ukitake, Ishiin just seem too powerful & versatile at the same time & excel in different fighting styles(Kido,Zanjutsu,Hakuda,hoho) Ichigo mostly relies on his will power(Reiryoku) & raw potential & even if that fells him he has the blut vene & if that fells him too he has hollow white(thou i doubt that the white will be poping up with Ichigo’s new powers since he wills him now & has complete control & balance jst like any other shinigami) & even if that doesn’t save him, he has Orihime who would bring him back from the dead…& even thou he still has all that at his disposal, he also lacks killer instincts which also hinders his zanpaktou capabilities, i dont know how u see Ichigo guys but thats my opinion on him..Thats y i always thought he is still no match for Yhwach alone, & with Yhwach defeating Ichibei who i still consider the most powerful shinigami currently & the one who atleast had a number on Yhwach even with his shikai while Ichigo’s shikai doesnt do squat on him & the fact that he still got his ass handled to him with bankai, it is safe to assume(atleast for me) that no single individual can take down Yhwach on his own..& mind you he hasn’t even use his Vollständig yet & already he is causing mayhem..seriously guys, hate it or love it! Yhwach is baddest villain in bleach, aizen was cool but Bach is just bad bad bad….


    1. Nick Dunn

      I guess he can’t kill Yhwach because he never learned the Art of Killing invented by Unohana. This style in Zanjutsu makes a Shinigami so connected to their own fighting capacity they become so powerful. All powerful Shinigami that are Senior Captain level or higher know The Art of Killing. Shunsui was gonna teach Zaraki, but he had Unohana do it because he is not strong enough. I don’t know why some people bad mouth the Royal Guard just because they lost to the Elite Guard. I mean Kubo did that to prove the Elite Guard are not weak like many people thought( I never thought that ) when it comes to Shikai, Ichigo can’t do anything to Yhwach, while Ichibei was able to momentarily power down Yhwach with his Ichimonji. Man I think Yhwach only used his Vollständig once, when he battled Yamamoto 1000 years ago and Yamamoto couldn’t even kill him.


  17. warmate emmanuel

    Bleach 620-yhwach absorbs mimihagi,his eye’s pattern change and he starts shooting energy beams and uryu blows everyone out of the palace


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