Yhwach’s Excess Power! Ichigo and Grimmjow – Bleach 626

Bleach 626 mainly concentrates on Yhwach’s intense new power where he’s quickly able to destroy anything and everything that he see’s or wills. Without him, the world would now go to hell. Ichigo, Yoruichi and the others discuss about whats going to happen next when they get there, by this Grimmjow mentions that they both have a common enemy, Yhwach!

Bleach 626 see’s Ichigo and the others begin to go to the Soul Palace. Jugram notices that the process has been completed and that the Soul King has ceased to exist. Yhwach’s body is completely covered in black stuff, his face has multiple eyes where he describes to be able to see and do anything.

Jugram is surprised about Yhwach’s new form while the others are, they’re afraid. Out of nowhere, he uses some of his power to show that his power is at an excess. He blows off a lot of the building they stand on. However, Jugram bows down and mentions that as his first son, he should stay by his side. Now they will begin to remake their nation as he begins to destroy everything in Soul Society.

A brilliant chapter, Ichigo and Grimmjow seem to be on the same page, while Yhwach is on another level of power. He definitely wants to see the end of Soul Society, and with his brilliant new power, I think he could possible do it. Can’t wait for next week’s Bleach 627, it should be fantastic!

There are 71 comments

  1. Nick Dunn

    Yhwach is creating a new country? That’s crazy! It’s possible the Quincy lived in the Soul Society and the Royal Realm along with the Shinigami.


  2. dreager1

    Well….a bit of an uneventful chapter tbh and Naruto won this week, but I liked the banter between Grimmjow and Ichigo. Besides that…not much to say about this one.


  3. Bleach

    Pretty boring chapter not much happened. Be easier if Yhwach went all out war and killed everyone, then used Soul Society as his country instead of creating from scratch. Aizen’s and Light Yagami’s goals are similar, become god and change the world for the better that they vision. Funny cause I started watching Death Note. Pray we get action from the Captains and they come to Soul Palace next chapter.


    1. Nick Dunn

      I would say they have similar goals. But for very different reasons. Yhwach wants to destroy the Soul Society and create a new one. Aizen just wants to change the Soul Society, and now it seems Yhwach will do this plan. Plus the fact that Yhwach is the Father of the Quincy, their is a food reason why he wants to change the world. Aizen I’m not sure why he wants too.


  4. AJ

    OK chapter…let me see. So I no longer view the elites as quincies that were from 1000 years ago. I just do not see it in any type of form or way. The only folks that I think are really from the time yhwach and yama went head to head was Blondie and Robert. I just don’t get the old people vibe from Lile, Gerard, nor Pernida. Speaking of Pernida like wtf is he/she..because it sat on the ground instead or the couch like the other eliteritter. Then what made it super crazy was that it latched onto that wall with it’s head??? Like it is not human. What makes me wonder if it is actually some type of rabbit creature or something because I can see Riruka becoming obsessed and trying to put it in her box..but of course Pernida will compusle and get out of it. Also I’m starting to think Riruka and Yukio has a power up too. Like the clothing that they’re wearing might transform as well. I can picture Rirukas butterfly wings enlarging…OK let me stop lol.


    1. Nick Dunn

      I still view the Elite Guard As original Sternritter. They just seem surprised by Yhwach’s new appearances. While Jugram just doesn’t get nervous at all. Askin doesn’t seem to be an original Sternritter. Ya I like how they are more nervous about Pernida than any of them. Even Uryu was nervous during this whole chapter.


      1. AJ

        Nah I just don’t see it. Its just me. I can’t take them that seriously. They still seem young but more mature than other sterns. It feels like they were just the better pick. Like Yhwach probably had everyone display their abilities like some xman shit and started to separate the elite from regular. I just can’t see them being the ones who took on the old captains from back in the day because if that was the case they would/should have known the royal gaurds or the royal gaurds should have recognized them from the start.


        1. Nick Dunn

          That’s possible. But remember, Oetsu never actually met Yhwach, he said all the knows about him is duotone his fight with Yhwach 1000 years ago, and with Royd. While Shutara however, has met Yhwach. So it’s likely Pernida, Lille, and Gerard didn’t meet any of them. Same with the other Royal Guard members.


  5. AJ

    You know I’m starting to think Pernida is some sort of deformed child or infant…like it has me so interested in knowing what’s under the hood. Like are you ugly or pretty? Are you a monster or human? Are you a monkey or rabbit? Like what are you!!!


    1. Nick Dunn

      I don’t think so. She is shorter than the other Schutzstaffel, but they are pretty tall. She is actually taller than Yoruichi. The way she was sitting looked like Indian style.


      1. AJ

        No I think yoruichi was crouching..and if you look at it even when it was falling…no legs. I don’t think it’s human. And it looks like there is just a torso no legs.


        1. Nick Dunn

          She has legs. In chapter 599, you see her hand poking out of her cloak when she killed the huge Divine Soldier. She may seem weird, but so did BG9. Yet BG9 has a human like body with arms and legs. Pernida doesn’t seem that different.


  6. AJ

    Tbh I think we will see Hikifune vs Liltotto and Shinji…Im not sure why I chose shinji but the fact that they both have the same haircut and possibly being kin lol but it would give us a better understanding of Lil’s ability and if she actually has a limit. Food vs Gluttony makes hella sense.


    1. Nick Dunn

      Of the Sternritter still fight for Yhwach maybe, I don’t know, I kinda have a feeling Jugram will ask the remaining Sternritter to join they’re new country Yhwach is making.


  7. trinin ninja

    I like how the elite sternritter looked like helpless children before yhwach’s new power. Speaking of which, how in the world is ichigo or anyone for that matter able to hold a candle to yhwach now?! He only flexed his muscles and poof! A chunk of the soul palace is destroyed! At first i assumed yhwach would be too drunk with power leading to his downfall but it appears he has everything under his control. However, he might just under estimate everyone so there is still opportunity to fail massively. Overall it’s an okay chapter that was meant to explain the plans of both the good guys and the bad guys (or in this case the antagonists).


    1. Nick Dunn

      I just think they are worried about Yhwach. They clearly haven’t seen Yhwach Ike this before, which must mean this is the 2nd time he has absorbed someone of great power, the other being Mimihagi. Jugram isn’t worried because his personality is so composed it’s crazy. At least The Schutzstaffel and Uryu have natural reactions.


  8. trinin ninja

    One thing that confuses me is the whole idea of yhwach and zangetsu. As we know, zangetsu (in shikai form) in ichigo’s inner world is yhwach from 1000 years ago. But when ichigo enters his inner world in bankai, zangetsu looks totally different so is this also yhwach from a different time period?


      1. Nick Dunn

        He did give hits to what he really is. Quincy powers. And actually this is why I think during the first blood war, Yhwach was good. Cause I use Zangetsu’s personality as his from that time.


    1. trinin ninja

      Anything is possible on the bleach world like plot twists but for yachiru to be pernida? i think this theory is false because yachiru was able to have a zanpakuto and was naned after unohana. Yachiru was zaraki’s assistant captain and other soul reapers even respected her. On the other hand, who knows what Kubo is plotting? Maybe Kubo could add some drama by revealing that yachiru was working for yhwach this entire time. Yachiru never had her background history revealed and she showed up to zaraki seemingly much later after his battle with unohana showed that he is even stronger than unohana so maybe yhwach deemed him a war potential at that time and he hired yachiru to keep an eye on him while continues to progress. Yachiru even fought a false sternritter “V” maybe to trick the soul reapers about her being their side. She also no longer can move thanks to her bones being turned to cookies similar to pernida’s limited mobility. We also know yachiru has something monstrous about her as does pernida. If Kubo decided to make yachiru actually turn out to be pernida, then zaraki might have a hard time facing her and I could see the possibility of yachiru changing sides at the end to help zaraki achieve bankai. This theory is for sure interesting but I do not think Kubo would go for it. WHO knows?


      1. Nick Dunn

        I personally think Pernida is her own character. And not a child either. Keep in mind she is the shortest Schutzstaffel, but Askin is like 6’1″, Lille is 6’2″ , Gerard is 6’9″ Jugram is 6’3″ and Yhwach is 6’7″. I bet she looks beautiful and her Spirit Weapon is a headdress she wears on her head.


  9. trinin ninja

    I want Love to be relevant again. Maybe shunsui will make him captain of 7 division now that komamura is unable to continue his duties. In fact all the visoreds could fill up the empty positions in the gotei 13.


    1. rahmaru

      in my eyes, Mugurama and Otoribashi are more pathetic than Aikawa is… because their could not even finish their very FIRST opponent after they got back their position as a captain…


      1. Nick Dunn

        Those two seem weak because they fought Mask horribly. They didn’t realize he has a huge weakest they can use. James. Rose did, But His Perfect Explanation Of His Bankai made someone as dull as Mask figure out its weakness.


        1. rahmaru

          i know…that’s why i’m said they are pathetic…but i still love Otoribashi’s ability because i think it’s unique…i think his final attack “the life of hero” can really knock out of Mask..because his ability is more towards sound/music and illusion…as long as the opponents hear his music then they will be dazzled…


          1. Nick Dunn

            Ya I know. I love Kensei cause he is sexy as sin. But he was overwhelmed by a full powered Mask, and Kensei himself wasn’t really going all out. His Bankai is powerful, and the explosion he cause when he fought Wonderwiess showed us his true strength. While Rojuro’s Zanpakuto is cool. Its a Kido Type that manipulates music and his Bankai was actually overwhelming Mask with his theatre techniques like water and fire. And yes I bet Life Of A Hero would have killed Mask. But I think other than Shinji, Love is a little stronger than these two, same with Lisa and I see Mashiro stronger than Rojuro.


            1. rahmaru

              i see Aikawa is as strong as Otoribashi and Mugurama…about Yadomaru, i don’t she is stronger than any vizards captains…as for Mashiro, she is powerful in term of hollowfication, but not in terms of shinigami powers


              1. Nick Dunn

                I think Lisa and Mashiro are strong. Lisa for one thing, held her own against Hollowfied Kensei Like Love. And Mashiro was able to damaged Rojuro with one attack. I think they are Captain Level.


                1. rahmaru

                  you’re taking about Hollowfied of Mashiro VS Otoribashi (without using shikai and bankai, also while being focus on Mugurama) is not fair..plus all vice-captains indeed are captain level but still not strong as the captains is


                  1. Nick Dunn

                    I’m not sure about Mashiro, if she wasn’t Captain level, she wouldn’t have been able to injure Wonderwiess the way she did , and she and Kensei both lost to him. Lisa was able to fight Hollow Ichigo using Bankai with just her sealed Zanpakuto, while Kensei used his Shikai. Lisa for sure is stronger than people give her credit for.


  10. Steve O

    What’s up Dunn & All! I’m not sure who looks worse..yhwach with all his goofy eyes or Aizen in his butterfly form. Since Kubo seems 2 be bringing back a lot of
    past characters wouldnt it b kool (& this won’t happen)if Mayuri & Giselle somehow managed 2 bring back more Espada like Stark,Nnoitora,yammy.. with DNA maybe Barragon & Ulquiorra? Jus a fun idea. But I feel very little hope 4 Ichigo & co. Every moment yhwach breathes. I do believe now the he’s absorbed the soul king The royal guard will join the elite sternritter in his defense. We need 2 get at least one panel showing us the condition of Jushiro. I’m in agreement with AJ..Pernida has me very intrigued as well.


    1. Nick Dunn

      Hey Steve O what’s up?! XD. I like your posts as always 🙂 I’m not sure what the Royal Guard will due. They need to explain what the crystal like substance seal they put around the Soul King.


    2. rahmaru

      yup i also want to know what happen to Ukitake..i hoping that Kubo didn’t finish his characters in this final arc just like that…without revealing at least what Ukitake’s bankai can do…i mean Ukitake only involved in three fights in the whole series..first, with Yamamoto…second, with Stark…last, with unknown sternritters…


      1. Nick Dunn

        I probably won’t die. But without Mimihagi I’m not sure. I hope Mimihagi was able to cure his disease. If not, I don’t think Jushiro will survive.


  11. Steve O

    Yea…what was the crystal cell around the soul king kubs? I really think we deserve 2 see what the royal guard can really do! I was hoping there was more fight from the soul king cause the was jus 2 easy & kinda sad


    1. Nick Dunn

      Ya they did lose. I think they lost so Kubo can show us the Schutzstaffel are powerful. But ya they will return with their Shikai and Bankai. Who’s your favorite Royal Guard and Elite Guard? 🙂


      1. trinin ninja

        My favorite elite sternritter is lille barro and then gerard.
        My favorite royal guard member is shutara then ichibei then oetsu. Who are your favorites Nick?


        1. Nick Dunn

          I actually don’t have any favorites when it comes to the Royal Guard and Elite Guard. I like them all for different reasons. 😉

          I like Tenjiro for his hot headed attitude. He isn’t so hot headed like Bazz-B or Grimmjow. But just enough for the other members to hit him for being annoying. He surprises alot of people for being this way, yet he is the best healer the Shinigami have. Even better than Unohana. In battle, he is incredibly confident, which is why he was first to defend the Royal Palace and buy the others time as a distraction. His Zanpakuto Kinpikai is cool. It could be a light or water type. I kinda hope it’s a water type but that’s just me.

          Kirio. I like her alot. For years fans were wondering how she looked and acted sense she was the first Captain in the series to be shown getting a promotion, and sparked Aizen’s idea for becoming a god. She is sweet and kind, but hits people when they annoy her. This explains why Hiyori does the same thing, she learns this from her. Her ability to eat and go from skinny to large is awesome! Makes me want this ability cause I have a big gut. 🙂 and in battle, her Zanpakuto is the first to manipulate nature.

          Oetsu is amazing. No one expected him to be a cool, lady loving, rock star guy that created the Zanpakuto. His Zanpakuto spirits have made the Zanpakuto Rebellion arc canon. His personality can change like a flip of a coin. From cool to serious. In battle, he is ruthless and cool all at once. I don’t know of Sayabuse is his Zanpakuto, but it’s ability to kill or severely injure with one cut is so cool!

          Shutara is so cool! She is beautiful and seems to be the smartest member. She out witted Mayuri and even left him speechless. No one has ever left Mayuri speechless before! Not even Kisuke and Aizen! Her artificial arms make her overall appearance cooler. AJ theorized that it’s possible Shutara doesn’t have any arms. I kinda agree with him. She uses dry humor and dry humor is my favorite kind of humor! In battle, she showed us the difference is power compared to the other members. Topically Tenjiro. She killed Nianzol Weizol in minuets, where Tenjiro couldn’t. Her Zanpakuto seems to be a sewing needle, one small one in her right, and a huge one in her left. Her ability to manipulate cloth is very unique. I have never seen an anime character have this ability.

          Ichibei is very interesting. He is jolly and a generally nice guy. He us helpful and cheerful. He shows his leadership when he is forst introduced. His ability to name anything shows his importance to the Soul Society’s history. His Zanpakuto Ichimonji, is so powerful and haxed I love it! It has the ability to remove names, and give names. Removing names give his power of anyone he meets, making him able to cripple anyone from power. He has proven to be the most powerful Shinigami in history, that the most powerful Quincy Yhwach, had to use his full power to kill him. I’m battle, his personality changes drastically. He becomes more critical. Sarcastic, and somewhat cruel. He moves Yhwach for being human, and even wonders about shaming the Quincy’s reputation. Which is rather strange, he is a Shinigami, why does he care about the Quincy’s reputation anyway? During his battle with Yhwach, he seems to have a darker side. He Reminds Me Of Unohana. How she has a darker side. She enjoys fighting in a way like a Kenpachi does. Kubo makes him seem like the antagonist of the fight, when clearly Yhwach is. Yhwach also seems to have a deeper history with Ichibei, and other Divine Generals like Shutara. Bleach Volume 67 just came out. His character poem is rather strange. And I want to know what ya’ll think of it. “The Future. Pitch Black. Upside down. ”

          Askin is a very diverse character. He is lazy, silly, intelligent, and sarcastic. He has shown to be the most interesting Schutzstaffel personality wise. Especially I’m this chapter. His ability to control Lethal Dose of anything he consumes is amazing. Every time he does use it, he kills himself as well. Which makes hate his ability. This ties to his entire name being spelled in 4 different languages saying “asking for the grave.” In Turkish, German, French, and Albanian.

          Lille is a cool character. His look and personality are interesting. He seems to be very level headed and confident. His ability The X-Axis is so cool. He can literally shot anyone without fail. His name is interesting too. Lille is a city in France, yet his last name Barro is Algerian. His Spirit Weapon is the coolest I have seen so far. A Black rifle with white fur on it. He has shown to be worried for Yhwach like the other Schutzstaffel, and doesn’t seem fooled by Uryu’s spy attitude Luke Gerard.

          Gerard is so badass. He is my crush at the moment. I think he is sexy as hell. Sometimes I just wanna give him a hug cause of his beautiful muscles. XD His look is that of a Nordic warrior. Which makes me like him even more. His personality is cool too. He is very aggressive and even threatens Askin if he falls behind in battle. He teases Lille for failing to shot out of Hikifune’s Cage of Life. He has shown to be nice as well. He caught Pernida when she fell off of the Palace, and shown amusement to Uryu. His Schrift seems to be a Meele type, and I can’t wait to see what it is. Maybe he used it to break part of Shutara’s Zanpakuto.

          Pernida is a mysterious character. I like her for that and the fact that she is currently the only female Schutzstaffel. I kinda think Mrs. Black eyes is one too. Anyway, she seems to be the most useful member, and helps anyone out when needed. She killed the attack on Titan sized Divine Soldier that Shutara calls out, she moved Shutara’s clone body out of Yhwach’s way. She breaks the Cage of Life to allow Yhwach to fight Ichibei, and even injures Yoruichi on Yhwach’s command. She also seem to be close with her allies. When she was first speaking, Shutara asked her what she is saying, and Lille said she is saying it’s size does not matter. Gerard caught her from falling off the palace. Her Schrift The Compulsory is so cool. It reminds me of telekinesis, but in a unique way. I do believe she will be a beautiful person under that hood, but who knows.


          1. AJ

            I like everything that you wrote lol. But I think tenjiro Zan is water based..just because he said gleam which is the same as light reflecting off of water. Basically he uses his pools which can be acidic and healing based. It’s like white blood cells(white pool) and red blood cells(red pool) in a sense.. We all know that white blood cells attack viruses and shit..so what did the white pool try to do to yhwach and destroy them..and his red pools which are like red blood cells which are filled with oxygen which is pumped throughout the body and healing..what did it do to Oetsu? Heal him


            1. Nick Dunn

              Ya his powers are cool! Each Divine Generals invention matches with their Zanpakuto abilities. I really hope Kinpikai is a water type.


    2. AJ

      Oh it’s Steve O..sup dude! And I really think the RG will fight for Yhwach. There is way too many good guys. I believe that Tier has been turned into a Quincicar and possibly fight both Nel and GJ which could be symbolic in a sense (former number 3 and number 6 vs number 3/1(lol)). I think the Quincicars will be as strong too so that they can fight the remaining arrancars and vice captains..while the eliteritter,rg vs captains,rebelritter.


  12. AJ

    It just makes sense. Why have all of these good guys get together to fight like 7 people?? There’s a catch somewhere down the line. Back up for the bad guys are coming and I believe a Quincicar army is one of them lol and what makes it crazy is that why didn’t kubo show Tier when all of this mess was going on..like why wait? Its because the woman has been changed! I don’t think she will die if defeated since it would be dumb for kubo to have not killed her and brought her back just to kill her again. I think it would give the tres besitas more character development and hopefully they can fight without using ayon or alongside him. Meanwhile we really don’t know what Aizen, Urahara, nor Mayuri is really up to!


    1. Nick Dunn

      Man if Harribel is a Quinccar than Neliel and Grimmjow will have to team up to fight her. She is already stronger than them, but with Quincy powers, Arrancar become stronger. Foot soldiers like Asguiaro and Luders became as strong as Espada. Not sure about the Royal Guard. Its possible they just fight treats like Yhwach. I’m Not Sure. And I’m still not sure about the Sternritter either.


      1. AJ

        Nick when it all comes down to it those guys are outnumbered by ALOT. If the RG do not fight for Yhwach then kubo is going to be pulling whatever out of his ass but I’m pretty sure they will. It would make sense..like Blondie said the soul king is no longer there and as the title said the Holy Newborn..which indicates Yhwach is the new king as he demonstrated his new power so in a sense it’s the RG’s duty to serve the new lynchpin aka Yhwach. It may take you sometime to see the big picture but it actually makes sense. Also there must have been a real reason for kubo to have brought the monk back..the others may not have been dead but he for sure was. Kubo is planning something.


        1. Nick Dunn

          Ya but the Royal Guard and Elite Guard?? That’s way too much. To me, it’s more likely that the Sternritter will choose to fight for Yhwach again, and the Quinccar army will show up.


          1. AJ

            How is that too much? We have Shunsui who without a doubt should be strong and able to hold his own , rg trainee’s, yoruichi, aizen, urahara, ichigo, and a shit ton of others..I’m not going to hype the eliteritters up that much because they may have a huge weakness that we all are unaware of. Like I said from 7 or 8 posts ago Lile probably has to see his opponent, you probably have to be in Pernidas vicinity like Yoruichi hinted, Askin ability may be tricky but we have seen that if you drain blood from yourself or what not you can nullify his ability( to be honest I think Gigi is his kryptonite), Gerard his ability seems complex but I think Zaraki can handle his ability..they might be the same in a sense. I don’t see why everyone is so pessimistic and think no one can mess with the eliteritter???


            1. Nick Dunn

              It’s not just that. Its more of a fact that so many good guys fighting them is very unrealistic. Plus it isn’t as simple as you think. With Askin if he chooses to make your blood lethal you can still die from blood loss. Pernida Probably true. But with her speed, it’s gonna be incredibly difficult for anyone to avoid her. Gerard I don’t know but his Schrift is gonna be hax. Currently Zaraki can only hold his one against any Schutzstaffel or Divine General. Lille may seem simple but with his marksmanship, That will be very difficult.


              1. AJ

                Gigi is undead..I can see her trolling askin. I just don’t view them as being that high and you’re saying that there are a lot of good guys but like I said kubo is planning something and I highly doubt that when ichigo and co go to ambush the eliteritter the captains would be finish with the gate. We don’t know the time frame.


                1. Nick Dunn

                  According to Askin he is dead too. Every time he uses his Schrift, he kills himself. When he made Oetsu’s blood lethal to his own body, he did the same to himself, saying he knows how it feels. Plus like Giselle, he can survive fatal injures and heal them. Ya the Shinigami and others will come much later. I doubt Ichigo’s group can defeat the Quincy.


  13. Steve O

    Favorite elite Dunn? Ima go with Gerard but Pernida really has my attention. I don’t doubt 4 a second that Hallibel has been corrupted & a fight between her Grimmjow & Nel would be epic! I agree Aj on Kubs having something big planned


    1. Nick Dunn

      I saw it dude its so cool. Its basically what everyone on this blog believes as well. Asguiaro and Luders are what we call Quinccar, and they are in Hueco Mundo waiting Yhwach’s orders. We also believe more Sternritter will show up and the Sternritter might go back to Yhwach. Well that last part is my personal opinion because the Sternritter are not on the Shinigami’s side, they just have a minor alliance before reaching the Royal Realm, than they will be enemies again.


  14. trinin ninja

    Now that yhwach has absorbed the soul king, would killing him mean dooming the world? If killing yhwach means dooming the world, then i could see division zero fooling him by pretending to fight for him and later sealing him themselves but who knows what will happen? hashwald reminds me of ulquiorra because they both are almost entirely without fear. Im trying to see if kyoraku will end up going to the soul palace or if jugram will go back down to soul society so that kyoraku will get to unleash his bankai when he inevitably fights jugram.


    1. Nick Dunn

      That’s a possibility. If anything, Yhwach knows that the Shinigami were the ones that sealed the Soul King, sense Jugram knew. So I don’t think that will work, but they can try. All I know is, Shunsui will fight Jugram. I don’t how, but they will. True he does act similar to Ulquiorra, but unlike Jugram, Ulquiorra can’t help but act that way. He doesn’t understand emotion, even when he showed anger to Ichigo, and confusion to Orihime, he still couldn’t understand. While Jugram is just very composed. The only time I have surprised or worried was when Ichigo was gonna attack him in the first invasion, Gremmy created that huge meteorite, and Yhwach was being overwhelmed by Ichibei.


      1. trinin ninja

        i was thinking more along the lines of after yhwach is defeated/weakened, then division zero will seal him. Even ichibei said that ichigo and his allies could not defeat yhwach nor did he tell ichigo to kill him. I believe that is a hint that foretells yhwach’s end. Also i’ve been doing a lot of reading regarding bleach in general and i have more questions about the soul king and zanpakutos in general. First, in the second bleach movie, it was stated that the royal family have a seal called Ōin. This seal is said to be able to control time and space meaning that if someone were to be cut in half or absorbed like (oh i dont know) soul king was, then said person can come back alive. Whether the Ōin is actually canon material remains to be seen but this might be a way for the soul king to return in one piece. Also in the Diamond Dust Rebellion movie, it was made known that toshiro and kusaka had twin zanpakutos so im left wondering if there is a chance that ichigo and isshin have similar swords too. I looked up the prefix for ichigo’s sword (zangetsu) and i found that “zan” can mean “cut” while the prefix, “en” in isshin’s sword (engetsu) can mean “connection; ties; blood relation” etc. Another thing that i found out was that there was a soul reaper who was able to fuse with his sword in the bleach ova 2, the Sealed Sword Frenzy (ps: wouldnt it be cool if Kubo makes more ovas for bleach?). This reminds me of the zanpakuto rebellion arc. The soul reaper’s name was Baishin and he was defeated by 6 captains over 400 years ago after he lost his mind. I wonder who the 6 captains could have been. Here is a pic. ?

        Even though Kubo designed Baishin’s appearance, he really did not create him nor did Kubo put much effort in building some history regarding Baishin’s background so i guess Baishin could be considered non-canon but if he is canon it would be cool since he found a way to fuse with his sword. I mean if Baishin can fuse then maybe someone else could too.


        1. trinin ninja

          I forgot to ask you all, what do you think and also what division or squad do you guys think the 6 captains from 400 years ago could have belonged to? I dont much information is given so we can only make guesses at this point. I can only say that i think the captain of division 11 was probably there to capture Baishin because we know that division 11 is hungry for a fight. Also keep in mind that Baishin was able to kill 63 soul reapers and 2 captains too.


        2. trinin ninja

          This is only a guess but i think the one at the very left side belongs to division 9, the one next to him belongs to division 11, the tallest one belongs to division 7, the one at the very right belongs to division 10, the one next to him belongs to division 5, and the middle could be unohana or the captain of division 3 at that time in my opinion. I also think that the 2 captains that were killed were the captains of divisions 3 and 10.


          1. trinin ninja

            The divisions to rule out are 1 and 4.
            Maybe the captains for divisons 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10 were sent because i rule out the following divisions
            12 -Research squad
            8 -kyoraku/family
            11-kenpachi would not seal Baishin but instead kill him
            6-Kuchiki clan might be there to seal Baishin but i slightly think that there is a chance that they might not and so i throw them on the list of captains who may not have volunteered to go after Baishin partly because of the famous name. What do you all think?


            1. Nick Dunn

              Honestly I’m not too sure. I don’t know if this ova is canon or not. Out of the six Captains, the Divisions we can rule out are 1 Yamamoto, 4 Unohana, 6 Genrei, 8 Shunsui, 12 Kirio, and 13 Ukitake. So I’m not sure about Baishin. Was he even a Captain? It would make sense for a Kenpachi to be in this team. The other Divisions I believe are 2, 3, 5, 7, and 10. But again, who knows if this is canon. Wasn’t Kuruyashiki the 11th Division Captain 400 years ago? About Yhwach, isn’t it possible he isn’t the enemy? It’s very unlikely but you never know.


              1. trinin ninja

                i’ve also noticed that while the prefix “en” can mean “connect” like isshin’s zanpakuto engestu, it is ichigo who is able to feel and connect with another person’s zanpakuto when he closes blades with them. So maybe the 2nd bleach movie, the Diamond Dust Rebellion is canon because it could be true that there are 2 zangetsus or at least a possible relation with the zanpakutos of isshin and ichigo just like in the movie where kusaka and toshiro had twin zanpakutos even though mayuri said that it was impossible for this to happen. About the ova, i would have liked for it to be canon but Kubo really did not have much to do with the entire thing so i dont know but i think the 2 captains who were killed by Baishin were the captains belonging to divisions 3 and 10 because 3rd division captains have a habit of being near death or killed (amagai, ichimaru, rose) and 10th division captains are not too strong compared other captains because they generally have to be a little older to have more strength and experience ( toshiro, isshin). Well these are my opinions at least anyway.


                1. Nick Dunn

                  Very interesting. The movies as a whole seem very canon to me like you said about the 2nd movie. Hell is canon and that makes the 3rd movie canon. Sense you see the movie antagonist watching Ichigo Hollow vs Ulquiorra. Just recently we found out the 1st movie us canon because of the Vally of Screams was finally explained in the manga.


                  1. Nick Dunn

                    About the 6 Captains, that one in the middle looks like a women. She seems to be 3rd Division. And the others are more likely 2, 3, 5, 7, and 9. I forgot the Gotei 13 has 13 Divisions. Silly me 🙂 anyway, that means Kuruyashiki wasn’t in this mission. So it’s possible this is canon. The Zanpakuto arc seems very canon.


  15. AJ

    Hold the hell up…do y’all remember when we first saw the soul king??? He had limbs! When we first saw his silhouette behind the curtains he had LIMBS!..the only thing that we do know is that minihima(whatever) the right arm has been detached along time ago to ukitake. Now where in the hell are the other three?? My only guess is that they are in ichigo. When everyone was like the soul king now want to see ichigo or some shit. I think ichigo has the other limb powers of the soul king so Yhwach didn’t fully absorb the SK just what we’ve seen! Ichigo has the power to kill him but the question is will Yhwach pull an orochimaru and go after Uryu! We still don’t know what Uryu letter is!


  16. AJ

    To be honest…there has to be something special about Rangiku! The only thing I can’t get over is that if Aizen did get whatever how did he know to come to her?!!


    1. Nick Dunn

      I believe Rangiku is a better candidate for having one of the Soul Kings limbs. She survived Aizen taking her Reiyoku to power his Hogyoku. While all the others that did died.


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